This is definitely an example of weirder than weird. Two women got up in the morning to let their dog outside when they noticed that the contents of their shed were all over everywhere. Wondering what in hell happened, they went to look. The shed door was closed. Hmmm. Even weirder. When they opened it, …
Category Archives: dogs
How Many Stacey Champions Could There Be? Well, At Least Two.
We have a twist on the puppy in the mail story. It looks like there’s more than one Stacey Champion, and the wrong one is getting hate mailed off the earth. What really sucks is they both spell their names the same, both are the same age, and both have a connection to Minneapolis. But …
Continue reading “How Many Stacey Champions Could There Be? Well, At Least Two.”
She Wants The Puppy Back?
Wow, there’s an update to the story of the puppy in the mail. It appears that Stacey Champion has had a change of heart and wants the puppy back. Um, what? I hope she doesn’t get it. When her stance changes from “just give me the 20 bucks back that I paid to mail it” …
He Won’t Come, When You Call, He Won’t Chhase, Squirrels At All…
I wish I hadn’t already used the title “Dead Puppies Aren’t Much Fun” because it would have been appropriate for this story. We honestly don’t know what the hell Stacey Champion was thinking. My best guess is that she was trying to save money, and was too stupid/uncaring to figure out that this was a …
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Luckily For Him, He Stayed Unleaded.
I guess one thing I can say about this guy is he didn’t bring his kids to the scene of the crime, like some of our other prizes have. No, he left the kids, both under 5, at home alone when he went out to rob a gas station. Then he came back home. Too …
A Heapin’ Helpin’ Of Babble
Enough chomp chomp chomping for now. Let’s just ramble. I haven’t rambled in a little bit. I had a weird thing happen to me yesterday. I went to the drug store to pick something up, and a girl that usually helps me out said “So, you’re here for something for your eye?” My eye? No. …
Devon And Jeff, Together Again
Yea! Everybody can dance and be happy. Devon is returned. He was found by a British couple the night he ran away and they took care of him until the police got him back. Why they didn’t try to get a hold of Jeff I don’t know, but they seemed to have treated the dog …
Lost Guide Dog In Central Florida
The happy update is here. Devon has been reunited with Jeff.Oh boy. Here comes another lost guide dog. This one’s from the Seeing Eye, but a lost guide dog is a lost guide dog. I guess there was some crazy weather in Florida on Tuesday. Jeff Bazer was there for a convention, I’m almost sure …
Where’s My Remote Control?
We have yet another case of some numbnut using a lighter as a light source…and starting an inferno. This one was the 19-year-old son of Karen Rhine. He couldn’t find the remote control, and it was under his bed. So, he thought a lighter could provide the needed light. Oh boy did it provide light, …
Ashes To Crackheads
I think these five teenage burglars had better simmer down. Simmer down and get off the drugs. They burglarized a home and took some jewellery and electronics. They also took 3 something elses that they figured were drugs. They just had to be. I mean, they were little jars full of powdery stuff. It had …