Back a bit ago, I wrote a post for the second Assistance Dog Blog Carnival. Now, the carnival is live. So you can read about every kind of decision imaginable to do with having a service dog. There’s a lot of reading, so hop around, make some new friends, all that great stuff. Most importantly, …
Category Archives: dogs
The Looong Holiday Post
Well, it’s about the middle of January and I still haven’t written my tradditional holiday epic. It’s a doozer, like always. First, updates about stuff I mentioned before. Mr. Postman never brought that last parcel. Oh well, if all works out, Steve can ask them to resend it and we’ll be able to give it …
Lady, Go For Groceries!
What the hell? I’m sure there will be much more to this story, but as of right now, all I know is some woman in Cambridge was found consuming her pet dog. Police were called to check on her well-being, and found that she had dismembered, and was eating, her dog. Now she’s in for …
Dead Guide Puppies Sure Aren’t Much Fun.
07 Jan, Fri, 18:56:32Google:guide dog for the blind dead puppies Oh, you looking for news about the Parvo outbreak at GDB? It breaks my heart that 5 itcy bitcy puppies died already. I hope they can save the others that are sick. Damn Parvo!
The Dog’s Not Out To Get You.
I have to write this down, because it keeps coming back to me. I took Trix out for her post supper business, and we were coming back in. In front of us were a mother and a little guy. He was really small. He stopped, probably to stare at Trixie. The mom said “Hurry hurry …
Decision Time
I really don’t know where time is going. It seems like I just wrote a post for the Assistance Dog Blog Carnival. Now it’s time to write another one. Well, It’s due on the 17th, but ya know. Close enough. This topic is decisions. I looked at that blog topic and thought what in the …
Attacking A Search Queery
I saw the following search on our blog, and I felt it needed a post of its own. 04 Jan, Tue, 16:52:48Google:will service dogs attack Hmmm. Why are you asking this question. Were you attacked by a service dog? Do you want your service dog to be protective? What is the reason for the question. …
Stay The Hell Off His Lawn. It’s Safer That Way
Remember the case of Joshua Funches getting shot because his tarrier peed on a guy’s lawn? Well, all the shooter got was four years of probation. Oh, because he’d had no prior contact with the law. So even if his first entry in his criminal record was murder, he still gets leniency? So there are …
Continue reading “Stay The Hell Off His Lawn. It’s Safer That Way”
Weeping For Willow
Well, I’m still up. I took a wee unintentional nap. Now I’m just loading books on my Stream so I’ll have things to listen to during my travels home. But I wanted to make a quick note of something I found out today. I was sending notes out to friends wishing them a merry Christmas. …
Dog Attack Survey By The Seeing Eye
Now that we can sleep at night knowing that Spalding is not freezing his little tush off, here’s a survey we as guide dog handlers can complete about dog attacks. ***Please forward to other guide dog handlers in the United States andCanada*** Dear Fellow Guide Dog Handlers, One of the biggest dangers we face as …