Longer Story On Spalding

Final update, and it’s a happy one. Spalding is back with his handler. edit: here’s the bulletin from the GDB blog. He’s apparently a golden/lab cross and it mentions the street where he was last seen. Please, please help. It’s cold out there. Here’s a longer story about Spalding, the missing guide pooch. Oh god, …

Help Get This Guide Dog Back Home

Update: Consider Spalding to have been helped home. Um, eek. Just got this. It said to pass to anyone in the area…figured it was safe to put up on the blog. *******************MISSING GUIDE DOG!!! Please pray for Spaulding’s safe return: Guide Dog SPALDING, a male golden retriever, was lost in St. Paul Minnesota Sunday at …

It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas Posts

I’m sitting here and I can hardly believe it’s exactly two weeks before Christmas. How in hell did I get here and how did it happen so fast? I agree with Steve that it doesn’t seem possible that it’s already Christmas again. In fact, when I try and think of things I’ve gotten people, I …

Give A Dog A Bone, But Pay For It First

This video describing a dog who walked nearly 6 miles, shoplifted a bone from a grocery store, and then walked the distance home, made me both chuckle and feel relieved that the pooch made the journey safely. I guess the biggest explanation for why she did it was she’s a Siberian Husky. You know what …

Helpin’ Out The Searching Folk

22 Nov, Mon, 01:13:57Google:can dogs ride on megabus Here’s your answer, Mr. googler. megabus.com is unable to carry dogs or other animals, with the exception of trained service animals that allow disabled customers to perform necessary activities. Service animals must be properly harnessed and under the direct control of the customer at all times. So …

I Did The Halloween Dog Walk!

Back a while ago, I mentioned the Halloween charity dog walk for Guelph Animal Hospital. Well, despite not making it home until nearly 3 a.m. the night before, I dragged my sorry butt out to the walk, and I’m glad I did. I was originally going to go with the shoe thief, but Shoe was …

Her Bite Is Worse Than Her Bark!

We’ve talked about dog and owner look alike contests. I think Kathleen Minneker would win a dog and owner act-alike contest. Good lord. Because her dogs weren’t ready when she wanted them to be, she bit and scratched the groomer all over! I love this little piece. “She bit me, clawed me and was on …

Find The Bad Parent. Good Boy!

Here’s a sure-fire way to make kids hate and mistrust their parents. There is now a service out there that will allow anyone to rent a drug-sniffing dog. For $200 an hour, the service will bring a drug-sniffing canine over to your house. Think little Johnny has some pot? Bring over Ruphus and let him …

Halloween Charity Dog Walk

Here’s some info about an upcoming charity dog walk put on by Guelph Animal Hospital, which just happens to be Trixie’s vet clinic. I don’t know if I’ll go or not, part of me wants to, but here’s the info for anyone else interested. Join Us!   On Sunday, October 31st at 11:00am, Guelph Animal Hospital …