Give A Dog A Bone, But Don’t Give A Guide Dog A Ball

I saw this search yesterday, but was too sleepy to tackle it. 24 Apr, Sat, 07:35:11Google:why can you not let guide dogs play with a ball My answer may not be the right one, but it’s my understanding. I know a couple raisers read from time to time, so feel free to chime in, and …

Loose Standards On Loose Dogs

After that brief interlude of drunken stupidity, here’s another serious post. Jen sent me this, and it said we were free to circulate it, so here’s my attempt to circulate. I remember Helen McFadyen. I found her blog when I was talking about that horrible letter-writing campaign from CNIB that had Jim Sanders’s name falsely …

Elmhirst Packaging: Making It Easier To Be Green

Here comes a post to make up for me not posting on Thursday to mark the anniversary of Trix coming home. At least this one’s only 3 days late. Remember when I ranted about the hell I went through over mutt mitts? Well, it came time to get new bags, and hell if I was …

Happy Belated Birthday Trix

Ok, here comes the post in honour of Trix’s birthday. On April 9, she turned 5. My pooch is 5! Nobody believes me that she’s that old, but she is. I can scarcely believe that it’s been three years that I’ve had her. But the blog doesn’t lie, hahah! So let’s do a general update. …

A Trixie Dog Day Post, Long Overdue

You know what’s sad? This year, I failed to blog about Trix on any of her big days, which is a horrible shame. I made a promise to myself that I would always have a post up about her marking each of her dog days and birthdays and anniversaries of her coming home with me. …

A Little Bit Of Trixie’s Family Tree

I just saw this post on the GDB blog. And do ya wanna know who is in the middle picture? Well, it says Freeman, but do you know who Freeman is? He’s Trixie’s daddy! Does he look like Trixie? I know he’s black, but do you see other things? He’s got grey around his muzzle, …

My Latest Freaky Trixie Dream

I had a really freaky dream last night so figured I’d write it down. I dreamed I came into a store with Trixie, and someone else’s service dog attacked Trix. In the confusion, nobody could figure out which dog was the aggressor, and both of us were saying it wasn’t our dog. So, for some …

“My Sister’s Keeper” Is A Keeper

A little while ago, my mom told me I should read “My Sister’s Keeper” by Jodi Picoult. The next day, what do I see but that very book. I figured it was a sign and read it…and it definitely was a good book. Remember back when I wrote about saviour siblings? This book is all …