Your Police Dog Is Really A Dog

If you ever needed proof that even the best-trained dogs get distracted, here it is. Police were chasing an armed robber and had a scent-detecting dog with them. Well…he got distracted by another scent, the scent of raw meat in a homeless man’s underwear, which said homeless man had just stolen from a nearby store. …

Lots And Lots Of Doggy Thoughts

The other day, I said I had a dog-related post. Finally, I’m getting around to posting it. I warn ya, this one’s a monster. Back a couple of christmases ago, I got a Furminator for christmas. I love this thing. It’s great for getting a whole lot more hair out than your run-of-the-mill zoom groom …

More Gannon Tidbits

Here’s a more detailed article about Gannon’s getting lost and found. Wow. How far is Valley Springs from Lodi? And since he wiggled through an enclosed porch, should he be renamed Houdini? I’m kind of glad he was found without a collar. There was a sceptical part of me that couldn’t figure out how whoever …

Trixie-Related Ramblings

Here comes some more Trixie-related stuff. I don’t know if this post is quite long enough for R to sit back and put her feet up and read, but it’s longer than that other wee one I wrote. There are two things Trixie does right now that are mildly annoying. Hopefully I can get one …

Some Trixie Questions Answered

I had a couple itcy bitcy Trixie updates that I thought I’d throw in a post. Since our neighbours moved into the place where Mylo used to live, I was worried that the place would still smell like Mylo and Trixie would refuse to go in. Nope. I went there last night, and Trix came …