Thoughts of All Shapes And Sizes

I wanted to write a blog post about random things, but I’m not as cool as R. She can create something out of absolutely nothing and make it look so easy…and hilarious. Me, I need a list. Then I can go nuts. You know in those commercials for osteoporosis drugs where they say that rarely, …

My Dog Ate My Bank Account

Oh boy. Remember that guy who claimed his cat bought child porn? Now, people have gone to the news saying their dog bought 5000 Microsoft points through the guy’s Xbox while they slept. He says his banking info was stored on the Xbox, and the dog pulled down the controler, managed to turn the machine …

In Heaven There Are No Pets?

Oh boy. We’ve talked before about that service that promised to send information to specified people post-rapture. Now, Ann Adams let me know of a company promissing to save your pets if you get scooped up to heaven. What I can’t figure out is, if I am to believe they plan to provide this service, …

Give A Dog A Bone? Not This One.

Back on Monday, Steve mentioned that Trixie started our week of insanity off with a bang. Oh boy, truer words were never spoken. I went home for Thanksgiving. Things started off pretty well. At one point, my sister’s boyfriend asked if Trixie could have a bone. I wanted to see the bone to see what …

3 Kids, 2 Dogs, No Sense Of Responsibility

Ug. Why do all these news stories about shitty parents come in waves? Now we have Xiomara Enid Diaz and Rafael Viconte Ortiz. Let’s see. They left all their doors open so their 2 and 3-year-old kids could end up roaming the streets Which they did in the nude and rode around on a big …

Large Babble-Fest Comin’ Your Way

It’s been a little while since I’ve talked about whatever I wanted without a singular focus, and the mood struck me to do it, so here I am. Mother Nature is a miserly old witch this year. She gave us a short summer, and then, right on schedule, brought the fall! There is something in …