People Are Strange, When You’re A Guide Dog Handler

Here’s a new one in the list of bizarro guide dog-related happenings I’ve had. I was standing at a busy corner. since I can’t see the light, I like to start my crossing at the beginning of the light cycle. So I like to hear the cars go on the street in front of me …

A Bunch Of Stuff From My Head

I’ve been thinking about afew things. Here they are in no particular order. My Trixie dreams have taken a new twist. They’re of two types: One has me going back to training, and some of my classmates are there, only this time, Trixie is with me. We just end up having a refresher, and I …

If I Ever Need Saving, I Know Who I’m Not Calling

Here’s a snip from an article about a bunch of puppies that weresaved from a fire,or maybe not, if this guy is to be believed. When firefighters reached the basement of the home, the same area where it is believed the fire started, they found two adult Yorkshire terriers and 15 puppies. “They were pretty …

Finally, some Punishment for Filing A Frivolous Lawsuit!

We need more judges like this one. Inez M. Starks sued the city of Warren, several police officers…and…a police dog…because the dog bit her on her buttock and she says it damaged a nerve preventing her from walking without pain. Because she sued the dog, the judge fined her for frivolously suing the animal. Where …

One Spazz Creates Two Spazzes

Yesterday did not start off well. In fact, it scared the everloving hell out of me. Trix and I got up like normal. Everything was ticking along. After I groomed her, I was sitting here in the bedroom and she was sitting beside me. I was giving her some pets. Once, I stopped and I …

When We Say Service Dog, This Is Not What We’re Talking About

It’s nice that when Michelle Owen suspected that an ex-boyfriend had used her laptop to access child porn, she wanted to do the responsible thing and have the police search it. But for her sake, it would have also been nice if before she let them have at it, she had remembered to remove the …