Here’s another pile of stuff about Trixie that I’ve been meaning to write down for a while. the other day, I had to bring Trixie with me while I moved the laundry from the washer to the dryer, and this event made me think about bringing her with me when I do the wash. I …
Category Archives: dogs
My Dog Saw The Sign
I was looking at our ads just to see what we’d caused to appear, and oh my, that post about poop bags sure dominated the focus of the frames. but I saw an ad that made me giggle. It said that you could buy no dog poop signs. Uh, what? Are they expecting that the …
It’s Not Easy Being Green Part II
Over the course of having trixie, I’ve learned a lot of stuff. Some I had to learn quickly, some tidbits have floated in slowly. One thing I hadn’t given a lot of thought to, until recently, was poop bags. When I got Babs, I tried to prepare as much as I could, even though that …
A Frisky Trixie Christmas
Hey everybody. I’m back again. I figure if Carin gets to talk about the holidays, so can I. so I got my picture done with this Santa guy. What a letdown that was. He wasn’t that special. I didn’t like him too much because they made me sit with him and Carin stood away from …
Marley And Me And Joe Public
There are lots of reasons why I love the fact that Trixie is a black lab. I feel sorry for her in the summer because she seems to be a sun sponge, but it’s great that her hair doesn’t stand out on my clothes and she really seems to blend in. but right now I …
Holiday Wrap-Up Chatter
Well, it’s that time of the year again where I babble about the holidays and such. it looks like ever since I’ve been here splattering whatever I have to say all over this place, I seem to do some kind of holiday wrap-up. Look at that. Without even meaning to, I’ve started a traddition! Now …
Disservice Dog
Don’t let me ever have to ride a train with Estelle Stamm and her dog. By her own words, her previous dog belonged nowhere near anyone, and since she’s proud of that, why should her new one be much different? Ug, it’s people like this that make me twitchy.
She Talks Trixie Talk
Hey everybody. It’s been a while. did ya miss me? Of course you did! Everybody loves me and misses me and wants to pet me and…oh yeah, I can’t get a pet. I’m working right now. So the c-c-c-c-cold is coming back. But somehow, this year, it doesn’t seem so scary and confusing. for one …
Trying To Help Random Searchers
29 Nov, Sat, 12:39:45Google:mushers secret help elderly dog get up on hardwood floors Ok, anonymous search dude, this could mean two things. Are you trying to say that the dog can’t get up after you put the wax on their paws? Maybe put a towel down under them when you do it, so their slidey …
I hope the Dog At Least Bit Him But Good First
What kind of sick freak would put a dog in an oven? I’m betting this asshole knew the lady and was doing this as some kind of sick way of scaring her. What a horrible human being.