>Trixie Brags and Other Random Stuff

>It’s time to babble about random stuff again. I can’t believe how fast time is flying. It’s going to be Christmas before I know it. But wanna know what’s cool? If all goes well today, I should be completely done my Christmas shopping! Well, that’s not quite true. I have to wait two weeks to …


Ok boys and girls, it’s time to play a nice game of how much innuendo can the newspaper cram into one story? Heh heh heh, I said cram… Our subject today is46-year-old Keith Roy Weatherley, who was stopped by police and observed with his noodle in a pasta sauce jar.This should be easy. A MAN …

Am I Being Anal About Anal Glands?

Here we go, wandering into the things that only dog-owners don’t mind talking about, anal glands! trixie moved suddenly, does she understand JAWS? That was funny. Yesterday, I took Trix to the vet to get her nails trimmed, and I thought that maybe the sebaceous cyst I found had gotten a bit bigger. It was …

Trixie, How’d You Like One Of These?

Here’s a post I’ve been meaning to do for a few days. When I was doing my whole post about the change to CNIB, which according to some AEBC emails, involved some shady happenings, a lot of secrecy, and a vote that stunk of undemocraticness, whose result still hasn’t seen the online light of day, …

I Give Up. There’s No Title For Something Like This

“I wish to have sex with you.” “I must respectfully decline.” “Please? It would really make my night if in fact I could have sex with you.” “No thank you, good sir, I wish not these things.” “Oh come on my sweet. Let us make the wonderful music of love with one another.” “Again I …

He’s Good For A Laugh, Marking One Of The Few Times A Lawyer Has Been Good For Something Other Than Abusing

Some people, especially lawyers I’m convinced, exist for the soul purpose of pissing other people off. Animal Cruelty Suspect’s Lawyer Unavailable Because He’s Going Hunting BREVARD COUNTY, Fla. — The lawyer for a Brevard County woman accused of starving her dog to death says he won’t be available for a trial because he’s going hunting. …

Ryan’s Quality Pet Food Is A Quality Store

I’ve been full of negativity and criticism today, and already have a post waiting in the wings where I completely rip apart what a hotel calls service, so I felt like some positivity would be nice. Hey everybody in Guelph and the surrounding area. If you have a pet, if you can, get your food …

Big Brother Is Picking Up After Fido

Yikes. This plan belongs in the UK, but it isn’t. It’s in Israel. Here’s another reason not to go there. They want your dog’s DNA so they can check if you’ve been putting their doodoos in the trash can. Here’s the stupid part. They’re even going to check doodoos that were put in the trash …