>Wow. This woman could be outsmarted by a puppy. Let’s do a quick review. This woman, who is going by the name of “Bernann McKinney, decides to pay some scientists in Korea a bunch of bucks to clone Booger, her dead pit bull. Aside: People, name your dogs better things than Booger andPooper! Anyway, the …
Category Archives: dogs
Yipe Yipedy Yipe Yipe Ouch.
I can’t bring myself to read this. Can you? Tell me how it went.
Man’s Best Friend, Even In Death
I can’t decide if this story makes me sad or angry. A guy drives out on the prairie with his dog and commits suicide. The dog stands guard over his body for six weeks. It’s worth noting that she didn’t nibble a single toe. The dog is rescued and reunited with her family. First, there …
>Well, Chuck has come and gone, and thank the lord, she didn’t give him a grand old snort. I think she gave him a small one, but nothing compared to what I was expecting. I mean, he spends all day seeing various woofs in various towns. He would be a bonanza for her! But she …
Chuck’s Coming Today!
Well, Chuck from GDB is coming up today to see me. I’m looking forward to it and I’m nervous at the same time. I know last year’s follow-up went really well, so I don’t want to disappoint him. But at the same time, I’m having a few wee problems, some of them are definitely my …
Remember the GDB blog I was talking about? Well, they’ve been doing something cool. They chose a litter of puppies and blogged about them from when they were a week old until they head off to the puppy raisers, which is now. The puppy truck should be delivering them today. I don’t know how much …
Dear Owners Of Ferocious Dog:
Do you think, if you have a dog so ferocious that it attacks anyone who comes near it, that it’s a good idea to bring the savage thing to the middle of downtown and then leave it in a parked car? Do you? Trixie and I think otherwise…well at least Trixie should think otherwise if …
Beware The Lessons You’re Teaching Your Kids
I heard something last night that made me mad. Well, more sad than mad. I ran into a neighbour while she was walking her dog. We got talking about the dog, and how she likes to stand in their apartment with her nose to the doorjamb and sniff…sniff…sniff when we go by. She says her …
Continue reading “Beware The Lessons You’re Teaching Your Kids”
Stop Or I’ll Release My Dog…If You Don’t Mind
We had a brief reprieve from making fun of the UK for their stupid policies the other day. The reprieve is over! Isn’t that the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever seen? We don’t want to offend anyone, or, heavenly day, they might sue us because we unleashed police hounds on them. And in what court …
Continue reading “Stop Or I’ll Release My Dog…If You Don’t Mind”
Dear Kimberly DeWolf
I’m sure you loved your dog and that he meant a lot to you, but that’s no reason to cry like a baby and threaten tosue your local newspaper because they won’t run an obituary for him.He may have been a child to you, but to the rest of us he’s just somebody’s dog, one …