Well, here comes another doggy hodgepodge. I warn you, this one’s much longer. Something happened to me months ago, and I keep forgetting to put it up. I was getting on the city bus, and a kid yelled “Hey! That’s Midas! You stole Midas!” It was either Midas or Linus. I don’t know. Anyway, he …
Category Archives: dogs
Scary Stuff And Doggy Frustrations
Yesterday, I got some surprising news. It came in a strange way. I’m on a guide dog mailing list, and a puppy raiser was describing the new puppy she got and naming off his littermates. One of them was the same name as a dog given to one of my classmates! People are probably thinking, …
What The…?
From New Mexico’sRio Grande Sun. 1:33 p.m. — A caller said a man was asleep in a car on Bond Street, but he was stepping on the accelerator while Chihuahuas escaped from his car. Police found the intoxicated man running around Vietnam Veterans Park chasing his Chihuahuas; a sober driver picked him up. Hopefully once …
Roscoe, No! That’s Not A Dog Bone!
This story of a dog gnawing off its owner’s toe is so great. First, there’s the idea that it happened. I guess Linda Floyd has no feeling in her feet due to diabetes, she had a hangnail, put a bandage on it, and went to sleep. AS she slept, dear little Roscoe the miniature dachshund …
Doggy Hodgepodge
I was going to write a heap of small posts, but I decided to smush them together into one big post. So off we go into all things doggy. There’s this goofy little kid who often sits outside on his patio/balcony/something or other near where Trix does her business who really wants to speak to …
Crappy Guidework
Well, it looks like I have more adventures with the Trixter. I was just starting to think we were going to cruise along without incident. Nope, I can think again. Last week, I started to notice that Trixie’s guidework was, in a word, off. If we were in familiar territory, I could compensate for it …
Sparky, It’s For You
Uh, in what world are ringtones that only dogs can hear something we would want? You’d miss your cellphone ringing, but your dog would go bananas. Yeah, sounds good. Or, maybe it’s a big fat scam. but I guess it can’t really be a scam, since they’re giving them away for free. I hope they …
Kibble-Grading System
In the comments section under my dog first-aid post, W.s.G. mentioned a grading system for kibble. I asked her to send it to me, and she did. So here it is. It’s interesting to see how some foods horribly, horribly flunk. How to grade your dog’s food: (Some brands are done at the very bottom] …
Seatbelts and Dogs?
There was something else I heard in the dog first-aid course that made me think seriously. Well, it was a combination of what the instructor said, and what Jill wrote about what happens if you ride around in your car sans seatbelt. Corinna showed me this seatbelt she has for her dogs. Apparently, it doubles …
The Dog First-Aid course
I honestly don’t know why this post is taking me so long to write. I started writing it a few weeks ago, only got a couple of lines in and then my computer took a poop, taking it down with it. So here I go again. Remember when I said I was going to take …