Wow, What A Small Guide Dog!

Remember how I talked about how I get asked a lot if Trixie is fully trained? This usually happens after an embarrassing incident. Well, here’s a new twist on it. I’ve now heard that puppy raisers get asked when they’re walking through places with the puppy they’re raising if they’re blind! Now that one is …

That For Better Or Worse Part Is About to Get Tested

As I read this story, I can feel my shoulders slumping. At a wedding, the newlyweds’ dog got in a fight with another guy’s dog, the other guy started yelling at the couple, went and got a gun and shot them and 2 other people in the wedding party. The happy couple is now in …

Thanks For The Free Weed, Dumbasses

Dog misses planted drugs in Japan, customs embarrassed A customs agent hoping to test Narita airport’s sniffer dogs put 142 grams of cannabis into the side pocket of a randomly selected suitcase, officials said. “The dog couldn’t find it and the officer [then] forgot which bag he put it into,” a spokeswoman told journalists in …

What’s That, Lassie? Timmie Fell Down The Well?

I’ve always wondered if it’s possible to figure out what Trix is thinking. Now, apparently there is something that can analyze barks. Israeli prisons are using it to interpret their guard dogs’ barks. But what I find more disturbing than the fact that they’ve invested all this money in technology that analyzes sample barks which …

Rescue Me!

Well, It’s the May long weekend again, and you know what that means, don’t you? Fireworks. And do you know what that translates to in Trixie-land? Puffpantpuffshivershivershakepuffpuffpuff. Last year, I noticed it, but some people told me once she was more bonded to me, she would feel less afraid. Well, nope. It’s weird. People started …

How Much Is ThatDoggy Through The Windshield?

Doesn’t everybody know that you shouldn’t drive a car with Sparky the chihuahua on your lap? Doesn’t everybody realize that that could lead to an accident if Sparky moves unexpectedly and causes you to strike the gas or brake, or jumps down and hits it himself? But when a bill was proposed to ban the …