Come Here Dumb Human. Quiet! Good Quiet.

Whenever I think about this, it makes me mad, not in the oh the world sucks kind of way, but in the holy shit some people can be irritating as hell kind of way. Hopefully when I write it down, it will make sense why it makes me mad. This happened yesterday at around noon. …

Happy Birthday Dear Trixie And Company

Happy birthday to Tacoma, Tad, Talbot, Tarragon, Theda, Titan, Trooper, and of course, Trixie! It looks like, next to Trooper, Trixie got the best name of the bunch. In case you’re wondering, those are the dogs that make up Trixie’s whole litter. They were born April 9, 2005. Hopefully this birthday will be a lot …

Trixie’s Thoughts On Dog Day

Carin’s been acting all weird today. She says we’ve been together for one year. I happen to think she’s wrong. It’s been 7, doesn’t she know? After all, I am the time expert. I remember the first day I met her. It was a weird day right from the beginning. First, the people who took …