How Much Is That Doggie In The OH MY DEAR GOD!!!

City government in Amsterdam has announced plans to allow both gay and straight couples to have sex in public at a place called the Vondelpark, which hosts over 10 million visitors each year. The plan has caused the outrage you would expect, but rather than coming from so-called morality crusaders like it would around here, …

You’re All Sick Puppies

People are nuts. Just nuts. There’s a video floating around about a marine picking up a puppy and supposedly heaving it over a cliff. We don’t even know if any puppy was truly thrown because a lot is left to the imagination, or at least that’s how it seems according to Snopes’s description of the …

The Secret To Our Success

Well, I think Mushers’ Secret is already a success! We went on our first walk with it, and it worked like a dream! Trixie was steady, confident, fast but safe, and she went through salt and barely yeeeped! I think it was a yip in anticipation of pain, because after I wiped her paw, she …

More Things And More Stuff

Wow. Two random thought posts in one week? That doesn’t happen very often. Off we go. Last night, we were doing the old flip around the music channels thing again, aren’t we predictable? This time, what grabbed our attention was an English kids’ song. It sounded like that song “The Wheels on the Bus Go …

Things And Stuff

I have some random thoughts I’ve been meaning to write down. So here they are, in no particular order. The other day, that old song “Knock Three Times” came on. You know the one, “Knock three times on the ceiling if you want me, twice on the pipe if the answer is no.” this made …

Trixie’s Got The Winter Blahs.

You know, I’m a pretty patient dog. I’ll put up with a lot of stuff. But there is a point where I’m going to lose it, and I think I’m reaching that point. So first, this white stuff comes. Snow? Yeah, that’s it. Snow. I could deal with that, sort of. Then the city put …

Motel Sit. We’ll Leave The Light On For Ya.

They never mention in this story how expensive a stay in a PetSmart Pets Hotel is. What is the funniest part of this story? Is it the fact that TV’s in all the rooms are tuned to Animal Planet? Is it that they serve the dogs dairy-free yogourt? No, that’s disturbing, because what is dairy-free …