Damn it. Just when I thought the Trixie abandonment dreams were over, here comes another one. I dreamed I was home at mom and dad’s. Dad was yelling and insisting that we go shopping and eat out at this outdoor restaurant thingy even though it was cold outside and we had to bundle up to …
Category Archives: dreams
The Clearing House of Carin’s Head
Well hey everybody. You’ve probably noticed it’s been kinda quiet around here. Well, there are a couple of good reasons for that, and I decided to write about them, along with a couple of ideas that have been floating through my head. Long, long, long post ahead. The main reason is because Steve and I …
I Had A Dream…But Not that One
I had a really weird dream last night. I dreamed that Barack Obama was hiding out at our house. We were just going about our business when this weird black van pulled up to our place. But in the dream we had a house, not an apartment. It kind of looked like mom and dad’s …
Dream Baby
Here we go into the land of carin’s dreams. I wasn’t going to blog this one because it was just weird, but Steve said that’s exactly why I should. Ok, I dreamed I had a baby, but it had to come out of my skull! Yup. That’s what I said. All I remember was that …
Special Delivery From Weird Dreamville
I’m really on a hot streak of weird dreams lately. Here’s another one. At first, it just started out pretty normally. We were at home doing usual stuff, when something came through our mail slot. We went over to see what it was, and it was a baby! Now, our mail slot is pretty small. …
These Dreams Can go Get Lost In space
Ok, Mr. Sandman can stop bringing me bad dreams. He can stop right now. I had another one about Trixie. Come on! Why is my mind tormenting me? I dreamed that for some unknown reason, I was selected to go to space as some kind of experiment. I didn’t really understand why I’d been selected. …
My Dreams Are Going to The Dogs Again!
Man! I had a weird dream. I love it when I have a dream this weird because it’s worth writing down, even if I hate the dream itself. I dreamed that I had to retire Trixie. I hate it when I dream things like this. I think I dreamed the same thing around this time …
Speed Dreamons
I had a dream a couple of nights ago that bothered me. I think it bothered me for two reasons: the obvious one, and because it was the fastest nightmare ever. Here’s some background. A few days ago, I heard something absolutely horrible. A cousin of mine just moved into her new house. She had …
Trixter Updates
Wow. I was out of it when I finished my last post, because I forgot all the dog stuff that I wanted to talk about. So here’s a post all about Trix and the past few days. It’ll be small because it would have fit nicely in the bigger post, but oh well. I love …
Goddamn Dreamons!
Damn it, the mattress demons (should I call them dreamons?) are still afoot! After Sunday’s post, that night, I had a weird dream about me and Trixie being infested with tics and I couldn’t find them and people were ripping them out of my head. Then Monday I can’t remember dreaming anything, but good god, …