We Couldn’t Disqualify. The Criminal Didn’t Agree To That

You would think, considering how many other countries they’ve helped to destabilize over the years, that America would be aware that rather than allow the leader of a violent coup back into power as though nothing had happened, that the option to prosecute it to the fullest extent of the law is one that is …

Today I’m Wearing My I Am Questioning My Fundamental Belief In The Goodness Of Humanity Sticker

Might as well go ahead and post the election reactions from Colbert and Kimmel while I’m at this. Everyone did a fine job of being realistic and funny in the face of all this shit. No one tells the guy who cleans the bathrooms that they must be happy about the explosive diarrhea. It gives …

Awwwww! We’re Going To Last Generations?

Another good election reaction video, this one from the Daily Show. The question that really needs asking isn’t why Harris lost, it’s why Trump won. And a related one that I’ve been thinking about. What, to a 2024 Trump voter, would have been too far? I have my political preferences and dislikes just as anyone …

Enjoy Videos Like This While You Still Can

Here’s Seth Meyers reacting to Trump winning. It’s funny as you’d expect, but there are also a few important reminders. In particular, that history isn’t a straight line. George W. Bush won twice. Remember that? Remember how hopeless that felt? I do. But that wasn’t the end. And neither is this…probably.

Be Careful What You Wish For: American Election Edition

As I laid in bed last night, sleep avoiding me at all cost and with the reality that my closest, loudest neighbour just lost his damn mind again sinking in, I wondered what I was going to say about it. Should I even bother? Does it matter what I think? How do I even express …

I’m Not Joe Biden, And Someone Approved This Message For Me

Since the AI boom or whatever this actually is got started, I have come up with exactly three good uses for the technology. Here they are, in no particular order. Giving people who are losing their ability to speak a chance to preserve their voices if they’d like. Helping advance scientific research by analyzing data …