Not All Robocalls Are Created Equal, So Let’s Stick To The Important Ones

I almost wrote this on Friday, but I wasn’t quite in the right frame of mind. I did however take a bit of a strip off of Guelph provincial Conservative candidate Greg Schirk and strongly thought about tearing a similar one off of city councillor Cam Guthrie over Twitter because of it. The issue at …

Elections Ontario Accessible Voting Survey

Update: Blindies, you must take this survey either with NVDA or via phone. Part way through it becomes inaccessible if you’re using JAWS. There’s a place where you have to specify your knowledge level with various voting options…but there are no form fields I can see. At least it is more doable than I thought. …

Elections Ontario: We Make Voting Easy, But Giving Feedback Hard

We said yesterday that voting with the Assistive Voting Tech went relatively smoothly, aside from the machine inexplicably telling Steve he had selected the sip and puff device when he had decidedly not sipped and/or puffed into anything. So, I thought it would be nice to give them a little feedback, most of which was …

The One Where I Tell You To Vote And Then Ramble About Other Things For A While

I’ll warn you right off the top that this post might be even more disjointed and sucky than usual. I’m a bit distracted by the pain in my right foot and it’s making me cranky. The thing hates me, but if I were it and I’d been injured so many times by me, I’d probably …

More Elections Ontario Accessibility Scoop

Alrighty, here’s the updated updated Elections Ontario accessibility scoop. Isn’t this so much fun? I have found our returning office, and it’s in a pretty sweet location all things considered. The address is 292 Speedvale Avenue West, and it’s in Unit 1 in that plaza at the very least. I have heard reports that they …

Pre-Election Antics Deja Vu

Honestly, are the Ontario liberals trying to emulate the behaviour of the federal Conservatives? I know they won, but still… Last week, an announcement went out saying that Anybody from the Conservative or NDP parties were banned from attending campaigning events by the Liberals. Um, what? Apparently this has not happened in years, and relations …

Long Weekend Audio: Making Laytons

We said we weren’t done with audio. Here comes some more. A little while ago, I mentioned that Jack Layton had died. So, later, I learned that someone had created a drink in his honour. So, Steve made one of these, and we talked about it. Believe it or not we talked about it for …

Latest Elections Ontario Accessibility Scoop

When I posted the thing about the home visits option for voting in the provincial election, I had some questions. At this home visit, would you be able to use the assistive voting devices? What kind of assistance was offered? I figured I’d phone Elections Ontario and ask. And here’s what I found out. If …

Jack Layton Lost His War With Cancer

Really, I was having such a nice weekend with friends. Why did yesterday have to be filled with so much death and destruction? And one death is the focus of this post. I found out that early yesterday morning, Jack Layton, the federal NDP leader, lost his battle with cancer. He was 61. He has …