Just so no one else falls for this, next time you’re voting somewhere, the pen you’re using seems to have no ink, and the polling clerk tells you not to worry, it has invisible ink and the scanners will count it, don’t believe them and ask for another pen. We’re all good on that? Cool! …
Category Archives: elections
I Love The Smell of Great Korea In The Morning…It Smells Like…Victory.
This is kinda creepy, but is it underhanded? I’m still not sure. In South Korea, volunteers supporting one of the candidates have been spraying a perfume called Great Korea into the crowd at ralleys. They did the same at the polls. They say it’s in the hopes that people will remember what the candidate said …
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Come On, Dion
Does Stephane Dion really really really not want to ever be Prime Minister of Canada, or is he just an idiot? The answer has to be one of the 2, because I can think of no other reason why he would repeatedly say that if elected, he wouldrescind the Conservatives’ GST cuts because they aren’t …
Nice Going, Ontario!
I figured the voter turnout for last week’s election would be low, but52.7%?!?!?That’s pathetic! All of you who didn’t vote can consider yourselves lucky that those of us who did gave you a government much better than the one you deserve. Hopefully the day never comes when we don’t or can’t. Maybe then you’d feel …
Why Would They Run That?
So the other morning I’m sitting around readingThe Merc,and I notice a mistake. No big deal, newspapers make them all the time. But being the decent citizen that I am, I decide it would be a good idea to email them and let them know just in case nobody else has caught it yet. I …
Four More Years!
Well, all things election are in the bag, and I have to say that I’m pretty happy with the way things turned out. The Liberals won another majority including gaining 4 more seats, Liz Sandals won Guelph, and in the most interesting turn of events, John Tory won nothing, losing the race in his riding …
Back From The Weekend And Feeling Chatty
Well, I’m home, I’m alive, and I had a pretty dandy long weekend. Although when you’ve got a good family, lots of good food and a few good drinks, it’s hard to end up with something you could describe as anything other than dandy. Maybe if you prefer words like smashing or fanglorious you could …
6 Candidates, 2 Hours, Lots Of Confused Voters
This morning, our local candidates were on the radio participating in yet another debate. Since we missed all the other ones, we decided to listen to this one so we would have a hope of choosing the right person to vote for. As we sat here, we noticed more and more stuff that we thought …
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Oh My God I’m Putting on My Advocacy Hat Again
It’s funny, as soon as I voted in the municipal election and got the idea that this should be available at provincial and federal elections, another voice in my head said, “You know it won’t be easy, don’t you?” and it was right. I called Elections Ontario today, since we’re having an election in October. …
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A Quick Scott Gilbert Update
I figured I should put up an update to the Scott Gilbert story. I guess the charges have been dropped. This is good, in the sense that he didn’t fight the charges, get off, and screw stuff up more. Plus, they’re going to make it so you have to show photo ID to vote at …