They’re Going to Get it Done, Come Hell or High Water

This just creeps me out. Does it creepyou out? Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion is prepared to take “extraordinary measures” to boost the ranks of women candidates in the next election, including barring men from seeking nominations in some ridings. During last year’s leadership race, Dion promised that under his watch at least a third of …

Please Press the Thumb Switch.

Now everybody’s staring at me, confused. I can explain! On Monday, we had our municipal election, and for the first time, because of a cool new talking voting machine, I could vote independently. Voting has always made me a bit nervous because I’ve always needed some help from the staff at the polling station or, …

All I Know Is That I Don’t Know Nothin’

Sometimes I really hate democracy. Well ok, not democracy itself, but the responsibilities that come along with the rights that it affords all of us. I’ve never been someone who could head out to my local polling station each election day and absentmindedly mark an X for a candidate who’s name I don’t recognize and …

Doing My Part To Rock The Vote

This might be a little heavy for a Saturday morning but that doesn’t make it any less interesting or thought provoking. These are the very much simplified results of a study of various fascist regimes around the world that have played a large part in history. The basic finding was that all of them have …