Happy Election Day, America. Soon It’ll All Be Over

Well…here we are. After what feels like no less than 12 years of insults and ridiculousness with a little bit of campaigning thrown in once in a while, it’s finally election day in America. That means a lot of things, including that it’s time for us to say that if you’re eligible to vote in …

I’m Donald Trump…Or Am I

I’m giving this one a soundtrack because we need to get it in before it’s too late to be topical. Tempting as it may be, there are more productive ways of voicing your displeasure with Donald Trump and his supporters than showing up at one of his rallies and vandalizing the cars there with peanut …

If Ya Can’t Beat ‘Em, Think Things Halfway Through And Join ‘Em

An Iowa woman was arrested Thursday after it was discovered that she may have gone to two separate polling stations and cast a vote for Donald Trump at each one. Why? Because the polls are rigged, silly. A Des Moines woman has been charged with Election Misconduct, a Class D felony, after allegedly voting twice …

Um, Are Ya Really Gonna Vote For This Guy?

I found this on my Facebook feed, and just had to share. Lyrics were transcribed in the Youtube comments, and I put them here because the captions I heard whizzing by left a lot to be desired. “no truck wants total access?” He’s super callous, fragile, egocentric, braggadocious Likes to throw big words around and …

I’m Tea Party Yes I’m The real Party All The Hate And Racism Is Thick And It’s Hearty

I haven’t subjected myself to watching any of the Republican presidential debates because there are levels of stupidity that can short circuit even my brain, but after watching one of them transformed into a rap song through the magic of somebody’s crazy editing skills, I feel like I’m all caught up. This might be largely …