Why Are Niqabs An Election Issue?

I have to ask, because I’d like a Conservative who honestly feels that this issue is one upon which our election should hinge and upon which the future of our entire country and indeed our very way of life hinges now to explain it to me in a way that makes sense. It seems important …

A Wee Bit Of Good News For Blind Voters: We Have Useful Braille To Go With Those Numbers Now, Apparently

In my post the other day, I made mention of the disappointing lack of accessible voting machines in the upcoming federal election. Yes, yet again blind folks are stuck with nothing but that metal dealy with the braille numbers on it and our capacity to hope for the best. But as Carin just pointed out …

Stephen Harper Isn’t Perfect, Says Stephen Harper

I don’t know how long this Conservative ad has been around, but I hadn’t seen it until the last couple days. Boy, it’s something else. There are a couple of ways to look at this. 1. “Stephen Harper isn’t perfect.” Well, who is, right? That little bit of honesty is kind of refreshing, in a …

It’s an Election Post! New Ridings, No Talking Voting Machines, Who Set These Advance Polling Dates?

There’s a federal election coming up, Canada! Perhaps you’ve heard about it. But what you may not have heard are the following few things that might fall under the category of handy to know. 1. Some genius decided that the Thanksgiving weekend would be a swell time to hold all of the advance polls. They …

Vote For Who’s Running Or I’m Running You Over

Every now and then (usually after a particularly poorly attended election), some country or other will float the idea of a mandatory voting law. Generally the punishment for not voting is some sort of small fine, one which I imagine most non-voting types would be happy to eat to avoid wasting their day choosing between, …

There’s Going To Be A Town Hall Meeting About Accessible Federal Elections. Maybe They’ll Announce That Such A Thing Will Start To Exist

This sounds like it could be an interesting event. If nothing else, it should hopefully give us a sense of whether we’re ever going to see the federal system step up and at least try to match what some provinces and municipalities have already been managing on the accessible, independent voting front for several years. …

Please Vote Tomorrow. To Help You Out, Here’s All The Waterloo Region Candidate Info You Can Handle

Municipal elections can be confusing beasts. Here in Kitchener Waterloo, for instance, we have on the ballot a mayor, 2 councils (city and regional), a Regional Chair and whatever your flavour of school board. You cast one vote for Mayor, one for ward representative on your city council, one for Chair of the Regional Council, …

We’ve Voted In Our First Municipal Election Since Moving Here

Well, Steve and I set off yesterday to vote in the municipal election, and I’d say this one was one of the easiest experiences yet. We decided to go to City Hall, mostly because I pretty much knew where that was. A couple of questions to people randomly standing around, and in we went. We …

Accessible Voting In The Waterloo Region: Here Are All Your Options…I Think…

I usually don’t wait until the day before advanced polling starts to put up a link to accessible stuff around the region, but a. Captain Nameless Illness is making me work really slow, and b. We’re still figuring out this huuuge city, so didn’t have much of a clue. So, it took longer to make …