Doug Ford promises to spend second term undoing harm caused by first term TORONTO – After un-cancelling the $15 minimum wage increase, Premier Doug Ford is promising Ontarians that, if re-elected, he will spend the entirety of his second term fighting tooth and nail to undo the damage caused by his first term. “Folks, the …
Category Archives: Fraud Nation
Some Good Advice For A Society Living With COVID. Doug Ford Also Chimes In
Here’s a good segment from the Morning Edition on CBC Kitchener Waterloo talking with Dr. Peter Lin about what the phrase “living with COVID” should mean in a world in which we hope to get things right. Spoiler: it doesn’t mean what the anti-vax, COVID minimizing and denying types or Doug Ford are telling us …
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Doug Ford Just Had A Great Idea From Five Years Ago
It’s nice that Doug Ford has decided to raise Ontario’s minimum wage to $15 an hour (it would have been a whole lot nicer if he hadn’t cancelled the very same thing almost four years ago), but his stated reasoning for doing so now makes no sense. But the premier defended his previous pro-business stance …
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Everybody Should Absolutely Be Vaccinated Maybe I Guess, But I’m Not Going To Tell You What To Do. Just Promise Not To Kill Anyone, Ok?
And now, I give you the latest dumb decision that the Ford government is going to have to walk back in a few weeks, hopefully before it has the chance to spectacularly fail. Ontario won’t force vaccines on hospital workers because of potential for staffing shortages and surgery delays, Doug Ford says What in the …
Doling Out Apologies
It’s not every day that the NDP borrows a page from the Conservative playbook. Ontario’s New Democrats have apologized for a social media advertisement that mistook one Progressive Conservative legislator for another. The ad that ran in April said Premier Doug Ford and Tory legislator Kaleed Rasheed had paid sick days at a time when many …
You Do Not Owe The Ontario Progressive Conservatives Any Money
From time to time, I get emails from shifty marketing and search optimization scumbags. Their letters are marked as coming from somewhere important sounding like domain services. They tell me that I owe a balance of a few hundred dollars and that if I don’t pay up, I will lose access to either my entire …
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Some Interesting Choices There, Doug
In a sure sign that things are going great and everyone is perfectly happy, Doug Ford quietly conducted a massive cabinet shuffle on a Friday afternoon. It feels to me like he just shuffled it, but apparently it’s been a couple of years. Man, time moves fast. Anyway, he made a couple of interesting choices …
I’m Either Getting A Blood Clot Or I’m About To Faint Because The Ontario Government Did Something Right
Looks like a bunch of us idiots who did a smart thing and got the crappy vaccine that isn’t all that crappy, actually are going to be able to get the other half of our treatment without having to try out something that sounds kind of reckless even if it might ultimately work. This is …
My Sanity Is Shot!
So I’m sitting here watching the news and just absolutely seething right now! Pretty sure I’ve mentioned a time or 12 that I hate our provincial government. I’m fair when I need to be, but generally speaking, they fucking suck. And this latest vaccine shit absolutely is not helping to change that opinion. You see, …
Just Implement Paid Sick Days Already, You Dufuses
I haven’t been as on top of the Doug Ford stuff lately as I usually am (no reason, really), but this seems like a good time to make a comeback. Can we all agree that this criticism of yesterday’s Liberal budget is pretty fucking rich coming from these clowns, who have done everything in their …
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