This one’s going to be a honker. Get something good to drink and sit back and read. I got to go to CSUN again this year, which was awesome. While I was there, I took a stroll around the exhibit hall. One booth I definitely wanted to find was one run by Aira. What is …
Category Archives: gadgets
Hey Google! Get The Hell Out Of My Nightmares, And Yes I’m Yelling!
There must be a small part of me that is afraid that our Google Home Mini will turn against us. Maybe it comes from this lovely little clip of an Original Star Trek episode. I don’t know how much is showing in that clip, but basically it comes from the episode called “The Ultimate Computer”. …
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Hey Google, Why Didn’t You Tell Me There Was A Website Listing Everything A Google Home Can Do?
Why this page has never once come up when we’ve Googled things about our Google Home Mini is a bit of a mystery to me especially since Google built it, but now that I’ve found it, I think things are going to be a whole lot easier and probably more fun. It’s categorized, it’s searchable, …
Google Duplicitous?
It seems people have some questions about Google’s creepy human sounding AI assistant. Fortunately or perhaps unfortunately, these are questions that go beyond why are you trying to give us all nightmares from hell, Google? As Axios noted Thursday morning, there was something a little off in the conversations the A.I. had on the phone …
Did You Guys Hear All The Loud, Useless Noise After The Emergency Alert?
Today in people who can fuck right off in the direction of hell and hopefully choke on a party-sized bag of dicks on their way if good fortune is smiling on the rest of us: Everyone complaining about getting Amber Alerts on their phones yesterday. The Ontario Provincial Police had issued the alert for a missing …
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Google Made A Human Sounding AI And It Feels Kind Of Gross
Listen to this phone call. And now listen to this phone call. Just somebody calling to make reservations and appointments. Nothing odd about that, right? Well, nothing aside from neither of the callers being human. Today we announce Google Duplex, a new technology for conducting natural conversations to carry out “real world” tasks over the …
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Is The Emergency Alert System Supposed to Alert Emergency?
As most of us in Ontario know, there was a test of the new Alert Ready emergency alert system last week. It’s a good thing it was a test because some people in Ontario didn’t get it at all, some people only got it on some of their devices, the whole province of Quebec didn’t …
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Google Home Mini And Tunein Premium
Update: It takes a wee bit of work, but it is possible to get Tunein Premium content to play on your Google speaker. original post: If you know anything about me, you won’t be terribly surprised to learn that one of my favourite things about our new Google Home Mini is the radio. That function …
Hey Google, How Can You Not Be Listening All The Time If You Always Know When I Say Hey Google?
Carin and I have some pretty cool friends. Over the weekend, a couple of those pretty cool friends gave us a Google Home Mini for Christmas. Yes, Christmas. Yes, it was April last weekend. I know. The thing you all must realize is that the we don’t do anything on time around here philosophy that …
FlickType: Bringing Fleksy Back
When I first got an iPhone back in 2012, my favourite app very quickly became the Fleksy keyboard because I couldn’t touchscreen touch type for shit and it was pretty much the only way I was going to be able to text. Eventually I did learn to touch type reasonably well, but I still loved …