A RiVO Review

Recently, I noted the release of RiVO, a remote control sort of interface for iPhones and Androids. If you’re interested, there is now quite a detailed review posted on the AppleVis website. I suggest reading the entire thing especially if you’re considering taking the $129 plunge, but long story short, the reviewer, while noting that …

RiVO, For When You’ve Got A Smartphone But Are Absolutely Determined To Keep On Using Buttons For Everything

After more than a year I’m pretty well over the “WHERE THE HELL ARE THE MOTHERFUCKING BUTTONS ON THIS PIECE OF SHIT!” phase of blind person iPhone acceptance, but if you’re still reeling from the news that there will be no more Talks and are staring down the harsh reality that homeboy’s gettin’ a smartphone, …

CBC’s Olympics App Isn’t Too Shabby With Voiceover

I was just thinking about how odd it is that we’re 5 days into the Olympics and I have yet to say a word about them here. I’ve been keeping up as best I can, but we’re still functioning on one computer for now so my time for writing quickly on a full keyboard is …

There Is A Google Glass Sex App. Oh, And Some Other Stuff Happened, Too

I’ve seen a lot in the news about Google Glass, but to be honest, I haven’t paid that much attention to any of it. At least I hadn’t until today when a couple of stories caught my eye. But before we get into those, I’m sure some of you are wondering Steve, what the hell …