Dear Bell Customers: If You Don’t Like Being Tracked And Sold To, I Have Some Bad News For You

So wholly crap, this is pretty nuts. The Great Canadian Personal Data Grab Continues: Bell Expands Its Consumer Monitoring and Profiling Long story short, starting next month, if Bell is your provider for basically anything, I suggest not only being prepared to become the product, but minding that sketchy internet and television use of yours. …

Your Rogers Phone Service Is Up And Running Again

Your long, agonizing nightmare is over. You can once again call and text with your Rogers cell phone. In a statement on the company’s website, Rogers president and CEO Nadir Mohamed says he recognizes the outage was “unacceptable” for customers. He said technicians worked as quickly as possible to restore service and sincerely apologizes for …

Yes, Your Phone Isn’t Working. No, It’s Not Just You

Update 2: Your phone should be working now, says Rogers. Update: Rogers is confirming that the outage is a national thing and that text messages are a part of it. A little while ago, Carin was trying and failing to make cell phone calls. She asked me to call her to make sure there was …


I heard about this on Friday, and went out to find it. Apparently some people over at 4chan, the same people who tricked people into shaving their heads for Justin Bieber, convincing them he had cancer, cooked up another doozer. It looked like an Apple ad for iOS7, except this ad told people that simply …

Some iOS 7 Annoyances And How To Fix Them

The invitation to upgrade to iOS 7 has been sitting on my phone for a few days now, but I still haven’t bothered. Partly because headaches, partly because I’m going away soon and the last thing I need is a phone that doesn’t work and partly because I want time to read things like this …

There Is An Apple IIe Emulator With Echo Speech. Thank You, Internet

This, if it works as advertised, is going to be beyond awesome! For years Carin and I wished that something like it existed, and now it does. Calling those of you who remember playing games on Apple computers back in the 80’s. Would you like to reconnect with childhood memories you thought were lost forever? …

Giving The Finger To A Fingerprint Scanner

Remember years ago when we started hearing all about how biometrics like fingerprint and eye scanners were going to be the unbreakable security of the future? If you’re like me, your first thought wasn’t that’s pretty neat. It was more like how long is it going to be until somebody loses a finger or 2 …

There Are New iPhones, In Case Nobody Bothered To Tell You

Since nobody really bothered to cover this, I feel it is my duty to let you know that there will be new iPhones in a few days. A few things from the article stick out. The new cheaper 5C, how much better is it than what’s currently available? Considering that my iPhone 4 still does …

Nomorobo, A Spam Filter For Your Phone

Aaron Ross just won $50,000 from the FTC in a contest that asked people to invent something that would help put an end to those annoying telemarketing robocalls. His invention, called Nomorobo, sounds reasonably simple to set up and I’d really like to try it. Tell us how it works. If you have Simultaneous Ring …