So yeah. I have an iPhone. Got it last weekend. I have more to say on that score later but for now this is a test of homeboy’s shiny new WordPress app.
Category Archives: gadgets
The Spying DVR: Because We Like It When Our TV Watches Us Back
No, this doesn’t sound creepy and over the line or anything. Nope, not in the slightest. Fierce Cable was first to report on a patent application filed by Verizon that indicates the company is interested in gleaning more information about its viewers for the purpose of delivering more targeted advertisements. So what might this spy-like …
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Help the Get Together with Technology Program Get Together Some Technology
This comes from a friend of mine. I wish I had spare equipment I could part with, because I think this Get Together with Technology program is a pretty neat idea. How many times over the years have I contemplated buying a piece of technology, but decided against it because it’s a lot of money …
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Who Broke The Build?
Hey there. Oh my god I’m alive. I have lots to say, both big and small. Let’s start with the small. Our USB category could use some love. Just the other day, I came across the perfect thing to go in it. We’ve often talked about USB missile launchers. Now, someone has designed a program …
RIM Speedwagon
I want Research In Motion to do well, I really do. You all know how I feel about competition in marketplaces, plus RIM, in its day, was one of the greatest innovators in cell phone history and easily could be again. Oh, and we can’t forget that they’re a huge part of the local economy …
We Can’t Wait For Apple 5!
Since I got my iPhone 4, one of the questions I’m constantly asked is why didn’t you get the 4S, or better yet, get the 5 as soon as it comes out? I already took the time to answer that here, but now that I’ve seen this, that answer is far from complete. You see, …
First Post From The iPhone
I have no idea how this is going to go or even if it will go at all, but let’s try. Oh, and apologies in advance for the typos. I have no idea what I want to write about here. I’m doing this more just to see if I can. Right now I’m sitting in …
How I’m Doing With My iPhone 4 And A Look Ahead To The iPhone 5
Since I just got an iPhone 4, of course that means it’s almost time for the iPhone 5 to hit the streets. It wouldn’t be right if I wasn’t behind the times now, would it? But don’t worry, I’m not angry. I’m not the type of guy who always has to have the newest thing. …
Continue reading “How I’m Doing With My iPhone 4 And A Look Ahead To The iPhone 5”
Steve Got An iPhone…
…And so far, he hates it! Of all the songs in the world that could have popped into Carin’s head as she watched me play with my shiny new phone, this was the winner. I’m still trying to figure out how I feel about that. I probably don’t wanna know, actually. Yes, I caved. My …
Dear Rogers: Get Bent. Thank You
Update: Our pal James has suggested that this post needs a soundtrack. He is correct. Yes, they gave us a nice discount thanks to that ridiculous internet outage last week, but based on what I’ve just seen, Rogers can still go fuck themselves, preferably in the eye with something large, flaming and uncomfortable. Our bill …