Getting A Blood Pressure Monitor Shouldn’t Raise Blood Pressure

I have to write this down in the hopes that it might help someone. So I’m going through some fun mystery health issues. Yee ha. When they’re not too bad, I can get out and about and lead a normal life. But when they rear their ugly heads and start beating on me, I’m pretty …

A Post With A Bunch Of Stuff In It Just To Show You We’re Alive

So…this place sure has been hopping lately, eh? Yeah…about that. I’m sorry. Really, I am. But to be honest, it can’t be helped, and I can’t say when it’s going to get better. I don’t want to get into a whole lot of specifics, so I’ll leave it at this: There are a few things …

Please Continue To Let Somebody Do The Holding For You

The reasons for me to finally cave and invest in a phone much smarter than my current one have been piling up for a while now, and here’s another one. Calling customer service usually involves a kink in my shoulder, bad jazz flute music, and lots of waiting. I’ve decided that I’ve got better things …

The Answer May Be Blowing In The Wind, But It’s Not A Pen

An exchange happened a while ago between myself and a tech support chicky for Samsung that I still snicker about when I think about it. I mentioned my friend and his phone saga in another long and winding post. Anyway, as part of his phone saga, we were trying to make it so it made …

iNever Fired That Thing

Just in case someone out there is desperately searching for a last-minute Christmas gift, and office war implements would totally be the perfect gift, there are newer, crazier USB rocket launchers out there. This one, you can control from afar, using your iThing. Can you imagine? You’re not even at your desk, but your desk …

Sploosh Splosh Swimmin’ In A Thought Pool

It’s random thought splatter time. Put on your rubber boots, this thought puddle’s a doozer. Like every year, I have to get my silly Christmas shopping talk in there. When December started, I was flipping out, I’d hardly bought anything, and it was…what was Steve’s word? De-fucking-cember? I can’t find it, but ya know. Anyway, …

Intellistreets? Telescreens? Hmmm

I hope these new advertisement-blaring, conversation-spying poles won’t be coming to an intersection near me anytime soon. I thought the security cameras were bad enough, but there’s something even creepier about these ones. Like something out of a sinister Orwellian vision of the future, streetlights with the ability to monitor conversations and announce government warnings …

Observations, Updates, And Other Goofiness

Here comes another giant pile of thoughts. The other day, the oldies radio station was on and The Poppy Family That’s Where I Went Wrong came on. And, unbidden, my only thought that came out loud and clear was “oh that poor bus stranger!” At that point I just started laughing. I didn’t feel one …

If There Was A War For Best Celebrity GPS, It Has Been Won

Either I haven’t done it or found it yet, or there’s not much to talk about today. So just because it’s awesome, enjoy this video ad for the TomTom Bert and Ernie GPS. If it was blind dude accessible, I would buy this in a heartbeat. I hope you’re paying attention, GPS for blind dudes …