An Update On The Chip And PIN Credit Card Question

As the title suggests, there’s an update to the do chip and PIN credit cards have a problem with blind people question from a couple of days ago. The best answer I can give after go rounds with the bank and with TD Visa is that I still haven’t a clue, and I won’t get …

A Question About Chip And PIN Credit Cards And Their Use By The Blind

The time has come for me to renew my credit card. The new one came in the mail late last week, so now all I have to do is get a hand from somebody to activate it. But before I do, a question. The new one is one of those chip and PIN deals that …

Anybody Wanna Help A Dork Update Phone Firmware

I feel like I just keep asking for stuff, but here goes. I’ve talked a lot about my Nokia N86. Well, I’ve discovered that it and Talks aren’t too kind to me when I’m using the web browser. For some reason, no matter how hard I try, I can’t enter text into edit fields. All …

An Old Poem Has A New Reader

Sorry I haven’t written much over the past while. Believe me, I have a pile of stuff that caught my attention, and hopefully I won’t completely forget it all. Plus, I want to have something in the Assistance Dog Blog carnival, and the deadline is coming up…fast. So hopefully that means more posts from me…unless …

Today In Pretty Friggin Cool: The Touchscreen Brailler

My old blind man self doesn’t much care for touchscreens just yet, but since that’s where the world is headed, gadgets like this thing have the potential to save us a lot of money if they work as advertised. And I admit it, the idea is pretty neat. A group of researchers from Stanford University …

What A Silky Soft Timeline I Have

I have not a clue why you would want to do this, but if you aren’t me and feel that you could benefit from such a thing, here’s some info on how to build yourself a Twitter and RSS feed printing toilet paper dispenser. Yes, it will actually print things onto toilet paper. I guess …

This Laptop Is Great! The Monitor Is Just Like Reading From A Book!

While no one was looking, somebody must have slipped instant idiot crystals into Spartanburg, South Carolina’s water supply. In the same week as Ashley McDowell scored herself that sweet wooden iPad comes word that a couple of women made out even better. $250 for a laptop? Good deal…aside from the part where you discover it’s …