Wood You Like To Buy An iPad?

Another day, another utter, utter fool. According to a Spartanburg County Sheriff’s Office report, Ashley McDowell, 22, told deputies that she was approached by two black males who claimed to have purchased iPads in bulk and were selling them for $300 apiece. After McDowell explained that she only had $180, the duo agreed to sell …

A USB Stick, In More Ways Than One

It’s been a while since we’ve been able to write about any sort of strange USB contraption. But today’s the day, and ladies, this one’s for you. A team of designers from San Francisco has developed a USB stick that doubles as a vibrator. Or maybe it’s a vibrator that doubles as a USB stick. …

>A Piece of Computer History Come To Life

>Woe. Here’s something you don’t see every day. A guy got his hands on a 1964 modem, and brought it online. This thing was as simple as she gets. It wasn’t even close to a digital modem. 300 Bod. Hello. You know what’s funny? My parents would have been around in this modem’s era, but …

It’s Me! Remember Me?

I’m feeling all frazzled so maybe if I ramble, I can unfrazzle myself. I’m sitting here, time’s going tick tock, and my brain is screaming at a fever pitch “You have so many things to do! Do them! Do them now!” At the same time, an equally loud voice yells “But you either don’t have …

I Only Have One Word. Headnova

Ug. The things people can persuade others to believe. The latest ridiculousness is an email stating that calls received on cellphones from certain numbers which appear in red when they call will cause the recipient’s brain to hemorrhage. I think my head just exploded, but not because of any cell phone call from any number …

Dear Bell: Thanks For Everything. Sincerely, The Underground Economy

Newsflash for those who may not know it yet. Bell Canada is a horrible company that doesn’t care about its customers and has no idea how the world works in 2011. exclusive deals to broadcast TV content on mobile devices encourage innovation and shouldn’t be banned? Have you paid no attention to the internet? The …

Can I Use This Title Without Paying Somebody?

This is the kind of stupid crap that makes me never again want to buy anything with electronics in it. If you can read 10 physical gestures that have been patented and then explain to me how the world’s patent systems aren’t broken perhaps beyond repair, I’ll buy you a beer. Honestly, I will…on one …

>Bringing A Whole New Meaning To Cybersex

>And I thought the RealTouch was nasty. Some japanese scientists have created a kissing machine. The lab, part of The University of Electro-Communications, posted a video in which a researcher demonstrates the “Kiss Transmission Device.” It’s a motorized box that looks a little like a police Breathalyzer. Talk about your moment killer. In the video, …