Somebody Needs To Tell This Kid That There’s No Such Thing As An Extra Life

I respect the hell out of Alessandro Micalizzi. Don’t feel bad, I didn’t know that name until just now either. To a lot of people, the off-duty Italian police officer is a hero. With just seconds to spare, he managed to jump off of a subway platform and rescue a 10-year-old boy who had fallen …

Power Outage Or Intelligence Outage?

We have talked about people burglarizing houses and staying around to watch porn or go on their Facebook or MySpace, but thanks to Cody Wilkins, we have a new one. You see, the power was out at his house last week due to the crazy weather. He liked to break into places and take jewellery, …

The Post Office’s Thoughtlessness Towards Accessibility Is Enough To Make One Go Postal!

I was hoping to have something funny between angry chomping posts, but nothing funny came to me. So let’s go, chomp chomp chomp. Back in December, I walked down to the post office. I was going to send Ro her Christmas present. That’s a pretty simple task. I walked in there, got it all boxed …

Blind Driver Challenge Audio

We have talked about the Blind Driver Challenge when it was in its baby stages. Well, they put this technology in a Ford Escape, and yesterday, Mark Riccobono drove it around the racetrack at Daytona.Have some audio, courtesy of Blind Bargains. I don’t know how to feel about this. Yeah, maybe they can take something …

Thx For Ur Bombs

Hahahahahahahahaha! Hahahahahahahahahah! Hehehehehheheheh! Giggle giggle snort. Ok. I think I can manage to write this down now. This is about as good as the story of the suicide bomber who accidentally blew himself up falling down the stairs. But there’s something even funnier about this one. I can’t explain it. It just is. A woman …

If Ifs And Buts Were Keystrokes And Nuts…

If onlyKeith R. Griffinhad known about and installedPawSense,his life could have been drastically different, especially where making the news for being a slow-witted pervert is concerned. When cats walk or climb on your keyboard, they can enter random commands and data, damage your files, and even crash your computer. This can happen whether you are …

Fountain Of Stupid

We now have a name for the texting chick who fell into the fountain. It’s Cathy A. Cruz Marrero, and she’s suing the mall security for releasing her video to YouTube. The funny part is she would have been completely unidentifiable from the video, but she started demanding apologies and suing over it. But she …


I’m easily amused. The image of a cellphone-swallowing crocodile whose stomach won’t stop ringing makes me giggle. Equally amusing is the lady whose phone he swallowed wanting her sim card back. Lady, your phone went down the hatch of acroc! Even if they could get your sim card back, all data is probably lost. Maybe …

It’s Time For Another Edition of How Cool Is That?

I have more cool news. Remember back when I railed about how much companies were charging for a talking caller ID? Well, I didn’t specifically say it was a talking caller ID, but that was what I was trying to buy. Well, Future Aids, or the Braille Book Store has come through again. We’ve already …

Is This The New Wayfinder Access?

I just saw this little sign of hope on Blind Bargains. It sounds like the American Printing House is thinking about taking that abandoned Wayfinder Access code and putting it to use. Pretty damn cool! I just hope they don’t custom build their own device, and instead let the GPS have a list of compatible …