August Long Weekend Audio

Boy oh boy do I have a monstrosity for you! Remember how we said our Canada Day audio would never be heard by the world? Well, that still holds, so we decided to try again. And we created something even longer and crazier than that one! We didn’t mean to, honest. We just sat down …

It’s The Roboss!

Oh boy. Here comes Spike, the next generation! A company called Anybots has designed QB, a robot that you control remotely, that can sub in for you at the office! Seriously. Apparently, from time to time, Anybots president Trevor Blackwell stays at home, and he sends in QB to talk to his employees. It wheels …

Who Knew Laundry And Accessibility Could Meet?

Here I go again, stirring up trouble. Ok, a little background. Our apartment building has laundry machines that don’t take coins. They take a card that you fill with your debit card. When it’s filled, it’s easy. Stick card in machine, wait a few seconds, hit desired button, woosha woosha woosha go your clothes. No …

Gimme A High Five! And Another One!

We have blogged about quite a few things you can get for yourself if you have no friends and need something to make you feel like you’re loved and appreciated. There was the Words of Encouragement tapes, the listening plant, and the Christmas dinner guests on a DVD. But now, there’s a whole new thing …

>Clearing Out The Clutter From My Head

>I had a few random thoughts floating through my head, so I thought I would write them down. Really, must I start all of these posts out the same way? Seriously? I’m really digging this last bit of weather we’ve been having. No crazy heat waves, some rain but not a whole heap, just nice …

You Have Reached Your Destination…Jail!

Ha ha ha ha ha. This is just awesome. I think this is a message from above that Horatio Toure should stop pickpocketing. He stole the wrong item. I guess he was walking along, and saw a woman’s iPhone. He felt he must have it immediately, so snatched it and ran off. Little did he …

The Trek To New Trekker Software And Maps

Hehehe! It’s a good day! Why is it a good day? Because I got my Trekker software and maps updated! Yeeee! I have yet to go take Trekker on a test walk, mainly because I’m crazy and finally got things updated at 2 or 3 in the morning. I’ll talk about my impressions after I’ve …

Sir, If We Catch You Driving That Thing Again We May Have To Put You In The Cooler

Neil Rideout says he was just trying to do the right thing and help the environment by driving a vehicle that’s less harmful than a regular car. But the police say dude, we can’t have folkstooling down the sidewalks of Nova Scotia in motorized coolers. He thought the cooler —which sits on four wheels, is …