Accessible Digital Cable Is Very Possible!

Back a little while ago, Ro wrote a post about ACB’s letter to Gary Shapiro. In the comments, there was a mention of a talking digital set-top box. Ro, was it called Goodmans Smart Talk® TV set top box? This sounds pretty damn cool. I know that particular box won’t work over here because the …

These Teasers Don’t Tease. They Enrage.

I received this from a Humanware press release list I somehow got on, and my reaction was not what they hoped it would be. They wanted to get us all excited about a new device they’re coming out with. All I could think was “Not again! Not again!” This is a teaser campaign announcing a …

This Ain’t Your Grandpa’s Computer…Actually Yes, It Sort Of Is

Jack Zylkin has designed what he’s calling aUSB typewriterbecause…because…ahh hell, I’ll let him explain it. The USBTypewriter™ is a new and groundbreaking innovation in the field of obsolescence.  Lovers of the look, feel, and quality of old fashioned manual typewriters can now use them as keyboards for any USB-capable computer, such as a PC, Mac, …

Why I Don’t Like The New Copyright Bill And Neither Should You

The conservative government has once again made an attempt atintroducing new legislation to update Canada’s copyright act.In some ways it isn’t nearly as crappy as previous versions, but there’s one major problem that needs fixing before it hits the House of Commons. Included in the proposal is a section forbidding people from breaking any digital …

Some Things Just Shouldn’t Be Automated.

I just saw a video of something called the Robospanker. I’m sure the intentions are probably some kind of sex game, but I’m getting horrible visions of what this thing could cause when in the wrong hands. I know anything can do harm when in the wrong hands, but this sounds like it would be …

Separating Fools From Their Money And Cracking The Rest Of Us Up

If there’s anything the business world is good at, it’s creating problems that nobody has, convincing people that they have them and then selling them something useless with which to solve them. Today’s example of this statement in action comes in the form of the EZ Cracker egg cracker and separator. Yes, no more messy …

Making the iPhone’s Touchscreen A little More Tactile

How cool is this? Jen just sent me an article about a neat new doohicker specifically for iPhone users. It’s being made by Bernard Maldonado, ya know, Mr. Solona. Basically, it’s a tactile overlay for the iPhone! If it works the way it should, it would make more people want to be iPhoners. Heck, if …

Wrong Number, Right Time

Wow! How often does that happen? The teacher tries to humiliate someone, and the class ends up getting a speech from a diplomat! It all started with an errant phone call to Logan Svitzer, who was sitting in high school history class. His phone just kept ringing and ringing! The teacher got mad, marched over …