Want To Win a Blackberry That Talks?

Whenever I would go home to dialupville, I always drooled at my brother’s Blackberry. While I’m fighting with a computer that’s half dead and using dialup, he’s sitting there click clickedy clicking his way onto google with no trouble. I would drool and drool, but I knew that Blackberries werent’ accessible. That isn’t true anymore, …

CRTC Makes Pretty Cool Ruling

This is good news! The CRTC has made a ruling that, among other things, blind and deaf folks whill have better access to accessible cell phones and text messaging, and there will be better captioning and description on TV. I think the coolest thing I saw in there was that every wireless provider has to …

Twitter Twits

First it was walking and texting-related injuries. Now those injuries have subcategories, one of them is twinjuries, or injuries suffered while twittering. James Coleman decided he would jog and tweet, tweet and jog, and so he was jog jog joggin’ along..and then…it happened! Clonk! Head meets tree, and he heard tweets of a different kind. …

Cell Phone Seminar

There’s an interesting online seminar, I refuse to say webinar with any seriousness, being put on by Citizens with Disabilities of Ontario. the subject is cellphones and people with disabilities and the presenter is Jeff Stark. I think they ask some pretty interesting questions, and if you register, you can ask questions of your own. …

Want To Have Your Phone Talk Right Out Of The Box? There’s An App For That.

This is pretty cool news. The iPhone that is being released in mid July will come equipped with a version of Voiceover, the Mac’s screen-reader. That means that, out of the box, the iPhone will work for blind folks. We won’t need to buy another screen-reader package and lay out more cash. That’s a pretty …

We Notice Too Many Ads

Here we go again with the comercials. I saw an ad for Iams dog food that said that the food would produce the seven signs of healthy vitality. Uh, what other kind of vitality is there? I’ve never heard of unhealthy vitality. I guess cancer could have healthy vitality that would be unhealthy for you, …