That’s Not A Barstool!

Ann Adams managed to find a video of the motorized barstool. thank you, Ann, you rock. As a very large aside, does anyone know who does this big comedy skit about Ikea and how you can never find your way out and if you took out a compass, you’d go nuts because there’s no north, …

>Next He’ll Be A Cyborg!

>Remember back when I joked about the thumb drive that looks like a thumb? Well, here’s one that isn’t a joke. Jerry Jalava, a bigtime software-developer and hacker, lost part of his finger in a motorcycle accident, so surgeons built a USB key into the prosthetic finger they gave him. So when he needs it, …

>Ok, who Omelet-Burped In Here?

>I’ve been meaning to post about this burp gas-filtering device for the last couple of days for two reasons. I could use that silly title and make an inside joke, and I could laugh at the text quoted by the folks atWeird Universe where I found it. This is the description they quoted. It serves …

We’re Goin’ To the chapel, And We’re Gonna Get Ugly

How is this fair at all? I mean, all 3 of these folks sound like real prizes, but I still think the dude kinda got screwed. Here’s how it all went down. Warren T. Roberts had the apparent misfortune of meeting and marrying Katherine at the end of 2006. It didn’t work out so well …

The Attendees are Deaf and Blind, The presenters Are Dumb

This sounds like a great product, but does anyone see a flaw in its promotion? Greg Stillson Highlights HumanWare’s DeafBlind Communicator That Opens Communication Lines for Deaf-Blind on Tek Talk Monday, February 2, 2009 Most agree that every person should have the opportunity to fully access the world around them and have the freedom to …