Nose Thank You, that Snot For Me

I don’t really care how wellthis thingworks or how safe they’re claiming it is, you can still count me out. No matter how much I love somebody, the odds of me ever sucking that person’s nose dry with a straw are pretty low, even if the filter is supposed to prevent me from ingestin’ a …

The Bad Idea Fairy Visited Me Again

If you’re like us and enjoy reading about goofy or downright stupid things that people have invented, then you’ll probably get a kick out ofthis piece from Wired Magazineabout some of the dumbest things ever created. The article features among other things a human powered helicopter pogo stick, underwear with airbags in them, and glasses …

Bingo Hall…Bridge Club…Bingo Hall…Bridge Club…

The first time I read this, I was very, very sad. Our collective IQ must be deteriorating if even inventors are getting stupid. Ok, here’s the premise. They want to take Alzheimers patients and give them RFID tags so their caregivers can track their wanderings and, in theory, come find them when they get lost. …

Odd Combination Of Things Number 3

Sorry for not having this posted sooner, but between seeing a friend I don’t see much, setting up my new computer, going away to see family, seeing something that made me profoundly upset [possible post to come on that one], running around getting a bunch of things done so I don’t have to think about …

March 2nd’s Odd Combination Of Things

Like I saidlast time,some of these links will probably stop working after a little while. This is normal. Like I also said last time, feel free to send things in, I can always use more material. Ok, here we go. *In some news I’m very happy to hear, the British government isconsidering giving police the …

Do Unto Yourself as the People in These Pictures are Doing Unto Each Other.

Here we go again with Telus in the news, only this time, I’m on their side. Telus Mobility has decided to allow people to download porn on their cell phones for a fee. The porn that users can access has been checked to see if it meets federal and provincial standards, and only people who …

>The SWAN Turned Me Into an Ugly Duckling!

>I don’t know how to feel about this invention. Ok, let me try and break it down as best I can. They’re trying to invent this navigation system for blinks called SWAN, which stands for System for Wearable Audio Navigation. It’s supposed to help you navigate, and let you know about nearby objects and such. …

What Would The Start Of A New Year Be Without Lists?

It wouldn’t be right, so here are a couple now. First up is one of the funniest things I’ve read in a while, a list of the 10 worst toys ever made. Keep in mind as you read through this that every single one of them is real, including the Atomic Energy Lab that was …