Silly Jabberings on an Awesome Day

I don’t know what it is about awesomely sunny days, but they make me want to gabble about random things that usually I wouldn’t think are worth being posted. But since it is so awesome out, here goes, off into the land of my silly mind. I’m so glad to have that annoying census thing …

I Hope He Can Hear Me Say Duh

Apple sued over overly loud iPod I shouldn’t be surprised about this, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be annoyed, and I am. Let’s forget for a moment that this lawsuit is completely stupid and baseless, which it certainly should be to anybody who takes 30 seconds to think about it. I mean for Christ’s …

Something Worse than Hold Music

Yep, I’ve found it. Something more annoying than those wonderful muzac things ya hear while waiting on hold to talk to someone at Bell or Rogers tech support because your phone/internet is fried to the tenth power. Whoever the hell designed this needs to be sentenced to listening to ten years of his own invention. …

Thought Salad, Munch Munch!

Well hello all. I hope everyone’s having or has had a good holiday, and is now full of turkey/desserts/whatever else you might have eaten/drank over the past few days. I had a good holiday, it was pretty cool to see my sister back on this side of the pond since she spent almost 2 years …

Cheap Plugs And Pointless Awards

Ok, time for me to whore myself out a little. The good people over atSalty Hamare in the middle of celebrating 2 years of existing, and there are a lot of things going on over there right now. Among them is the Top 50 Current Wrestlers list, the first part of which you can readhere.I …

This Is Progress?

First things first, if any of you reading this emailed me something any time between Wednesday night and 9:30 or so on Thursday morning, odds are good that I probably won’t be getting it unless you send it again. This morning I downloaded a bunch of mail onto Carin’s computer, which promptly proceeded to crash …