Even More Odd Inventions

In keeping with the weird shit that people create and try to sell theme that we have going on around here this week, I give you StrangeNewProducts.com, a site that I found yesterday without even looking for it. What can I say, I’m just that good, or maybe that lucky. But either way, finding entertaining …

It’s Completely Useless, But Somebody Will Still Pay For It

A company called PG Tips has created what is probably the first, and hopefully the last,SMS tea kettle,a product that they hope will “revolutionize tea-time.” The concept behind the kettle, which the company is calling ReadyWhenUR, is simple enough. Whenever you want to boil some water, all you need to do is send a text …

Thought Stew cooked up in the Mind of an Insomniac

Well, here I sit. It’s 6:00 a.m. and I’ve been up since 2. Yea great joys. So I thought I’d babble about some things that have been on my mind. Sorry for not being around lately, life has been keeping me very busy. Not uninspired, just tired. First of all, not being able to sleep …

It’s a Fridge? A TV? A Computer? What is it?

Why is it that we need to combine everything we use into one piece of equipment? We have cell phones with cameras on them that also play mp3’s and can listen to the radio and those weird watches with TV’s on them, and now it’s getting worse. Are we really that lazy that we can’t …

I’ve Heard Of Stranger Things Than This, But It’s Still Weird

A man from Senegal has invented what he’s calling an automatic condom fitter that he claims will make it easier for guys to put on a condom without ruining the flow of the action and spoiling the mood. Mor Maty Seck, the inventor in question, also claims that with enough practice a man can use …

Look at Me, I have a Cell Phone!

What is it with some people and cell phones? Some people have cell phones, but they’re there for emergencies, or they use them, but they’re discrete about it. With some people, it’s hillarious to watch them when their cell phone rings. they just don’t know how to answer the thing it rings so rarely. Hell …

Who Said a Computer Couldn’t Sing Anyway?

Yep, time for some weird humour, and to prove that I am such a geek. I found this page full of mp3’s made by making speech synthesizers sing. Speech synthesizers are the things that make computers talk for us blind people. But someone who had way too much time on his hands figured out years …

Can You Hear Me Now?

A german scam artist [I refuse to use the word inventor] has releaseda mobile phone for the dead.No, I’m serious, stop laughing. Ok don’t, but I’m still serious. The phone, which goes by the name Telefon-Engel [which translated into English means Phone Angel], comes in a black box with a loudspeaker that is placed on …