Downtown Guelph On The Weekends Explained?

Somebody working in the Guelph Tribune office clearly has a much different idea of entertainment than I do. As I sit here catching up on some news from the last few weeks, I’ve seen a story aboutsome maniac running around threatening people (kids included) with a butcher knife,a guy calling in a fake bomb threat,a …

Don’t Call Us, We’ll Call You

I just had a weird new thing happen to me last night. I was eating my dinner when the phone rang. Keep in mind this is about the third call I got while eating dinner. It came up as a weird number, but I thought I recognized it. I didn’t. I picked up the phone …

The Cozycast Is Finally Here!

Sorry this is going up so late, and sorry for the general neglect of this place over the last little while. Laziness, busyness, illness, hung overness and going out and having funness haven’t made for the best of reading lately. Hopefully things can start getting back to normal soon, but to hold you over until …

The 100 Mile Market Rocks

Remember back when I said we were going to try out the Fresh at Home program? Well, we did, and we’re pretty impressed. The site is workable, but it has some small accessibility wrinkles. For one, for no apparent reason, the whole nav bar doesn’t appear until you’ve moved over the link that says grocery …

Rich People Suck. By The Way, Can I Have More Money?

Not voting for Maggie Laidlaw in the last municipal election is a decision I regret less and less with each passing day.Here’s the latest. Coun. Maggie Laidlaw surprised a lot of debate watchers when she said she has used a Google tool to investigate the lifestyle of people who complain to her about city hall …

Stone Road Mall’s Ad Agency Needs To Hit The Road, Again

Stone Road Mall has done another one of those hit the road commercials Ilove so much. This one, as impossible as it seems, might be even worse than the last one. I’m paraphrasing here, but I promise you I’m not leaving anything out. The boot kick. the toe tap. the foot stomp. Every winter, before …

Happy Birthday To Shoe.

So last Saturday we had a party for the shoe thief. Back about a month ago, Shoe turned 40! We wanted to do something special for him, but between Steve feeling sick and one of Shoe’s friends being unavailable because of being on the other side of the world, we put off his party until …