It’s too bad we need a specific day to remind us of what Gill is saying here. Every day is a good day to speak up if you need help or to help those in need, regardless of whether or not Bell is donating money to causes every time somebody uses a hashtag. We all …
Category Archives: guest posts
They Banned That From Schools?
The over protection of kids is a subject we’ve harped on a time or two, and now Gill is back yet again to run down a few things that schools have banned because being a kid has to suck now. At the elementary school where not only my mom taught but my sister and I …
Thank Goodness For Modern Medicine!
Not sure if Gill’s been reading history books lately or what, but she’s back again to talk about old things, this time medical ones. I, meanwhile, am reminded of this old video from the Onion. From blood letting to surgery sans anesthesia I’m going to inform and probably disturb you with some facts. Sit back, …
Hours Of Fun In Emergency Rooms?
Here’s Gill to talk some questionable toys. As for memories of unsafe things I did as a kid, I’m not even sure where to start. I grew up when we still had tire swings and climbables with gravel underneath them, so the list is fairly long. From flammable train sets to rebounder trampolines I’m counting …
Ms. Gillie Gets Educated
Before we get to Gill’s latest, I just want to take a second to say sorry for the last few days of absolute silence. but more importantly than that, I need you all to listen to me very carefully. If somebody tells you that the various plagues going around this year won’t finish with you …
Better Days To Come
This year, in some ways, kinda sucked. But Gill is here to offer up some hope in poem form. 2017 will go down as a tough year for many, in this poem I hope you out in Readerland will find hope. Better Days To Come People sitting with stacks of bills the ever present threat …
Some Cool Facts To Nerd Up To
Not sure what exactly compelled Gill to write this, but the TV show she mentions is absolutely a real one. It’s getting cold outside, but here in Nerd Power Central it’s toasty warm. Here I am to serve up some freshly baked facts and help you increase your nerd power. So go grab a hot …
It Used To Be Fun
Gill doesn’t seem to be feeling Christmas this year. I’ve been there, though for different reasons. Some of my favorite memories are coming downstairs Christmas morning and sitting by the fire to open the stockings. Other favorite moments involve sitting in the living room of my family’s 100 year old farmhouse hot chocolate, or in …
Techniques For Love Spreading
I think 2017 is starting to get to Gill a little. She’s right though, we could all do with more kindness. Remember six days ago when I talked about Mr. Patel and how he helped me out? No big deal right? Actually what he was doing, with out knowing it was spreading love. That was …
Where Have All The Good People Gone
And now, Gill is here to remind us that in spite of the general state of things, the world is not, in fact, filled with nothing but shitheels. A song from almost fifteen years ago asks this very question, and I know many of you have asked the same question yourselves especially with recent events. …