Great Gobs of Tansy Updates, Part I

I’m terribly behind on Tansy updates. It’s bad. How can I go for 6 months without writing a Tansy post? Oh, well, I did have the captain chasing me around for 4 of those months. Well, I guess it’s time to catch up now. This might take a couple of posts. Tansy has inherited some …

2014: Goodbye And Good Riddance

It’s mid January, and I feel like I have to write the usual holiday wrap-up/year in review post. I feel like this will be the shortest one ever because both the holidays, and the year, feel like they have been snatched and tainted. Getting to my family’s Christmas was coloured with a bit of Carin-style …

Merry Christmas And All That Stuff

Since I’m’ posting this today, this song makes a good soundtrack. Yeah, it’s December 23 and I don’t know where the time has gone. Somehow, despite my battles with the captain, I still managed to get my Christmas shopping done, although it was a little closer to the wire than I would have liked…and the …

Service Dog Teams and Ambulances

I got this on a mailing list. It’s a video for paramedics about helping service dog teams when an ambulance is called, and I thought it was kinda neat. I learned a few things too, like I didn’t even know about those open grating things and how they can cut paws. Tansy was one lucky …

My Gall Darn Gallbladder!

You know how the song goes? “What day is it, and in what month? This clock never seemed so alive.” That’s kind of how I feel about May. I would really like some of it back if I could so I could not spend it in hospital. Yes, hospital. Steve mentioned he was running to …