Damn You Texan Guide Dogs. Stop Scootin’ From Home!

Wow. Just heard about another guide dog who went missing in Texas. This one is in San Antonio…and has been missing since March 20. His name is Potter. Here’s a Facebook page about him. He is 7 years old and has a tattoo number of 493F. I’m just praying that someone took him in and …

New Guide Dog Journals: The Journey Home

Well here I am, although who knows where here is since I’m sitting in a chair in the sky. Woke up early and ran around grabbing all the odds and ends I couldn’t pack up until absolutely necessary. The resident advisor came in, had a boo around and confirmed I hadn’t forgotten anything. Then the …

New Guide Dog Journals Day 14

I’m exhausted but here goes. Got up and started packing. I was surprised at how well everything fit. I had a hard time eating, my stomach was doing acrobatics. Had our lecture on how grad was going to go and how our dogs will be pissed tomorrow due to lack of morning chow. Then it …

New Guide Dog Journals Day 13

It’s over? Yup it appears it’s over. I really should be attempting to shoehorn all this new stuff into my bags, but I want to write for a bit. So this morning we went to the instructors’ room, or the hotel room turned into that room, and had a big chat about going home, what …

New Guide Dog Journals Day 12

I’m tired. I had a hard time settling down to sleep. I was just so jazzed about this whole raiser call and thinking about the whole Friday dinner. I realize I’ve kind of suck at explaining how they do things in the new training. We don’t go everywhere together on a big ol’ bus. Now …

New Guide Dog Journals Day 11

Holy crap I can’t even keep track of what day it is. I’m writing this one up at the end…only this time I’m sitting up in a chair so if I fall asleep with my keyboard, I’m in trouble. Today started off with us all going to San Francisco. We all walked different routes. I …

New guide dog journals day 10

I’m exhausted. If I’m not careful, I may fall asleep with my keyboard. So we went to the lounge and waited for big evil traffic check man aka Adam. So for those who don’t know, the traffic route is the one where the class supervisor, or someone, drives at you from various positions so you …

New Guide Dog Journals Day 9

Back to the grind with us all. I have no idea what this day will look like since everybody’s got their own customized routes to hit. I know tomorrow afternoon we go over to GDB campus but today is a great big mystery. Oh and thanks to Carolyn the awesome nurse, I have trimmed bangs. …

New Guide Dog Journals Day 8

Ah the wonders of a day off. Tansy has been fed, watered and relieved which she did in the planter *oops* plus she’s been groomed. This morning a couple of the dogs had goopies on their eyes, probably just sleep crusties but weird that two dogs have them. I’m just waiting for Trixie’s raisers to …

New Guide Dog Journals Day 7

Wow. Day 7 already. A few things: I think I might have heard the beginnings of a dream bark last night. Also, Tansy told me last night that she can hold it, and will communicate quite clearly when she has to go. I think they’re trying to fix the wifi. Yea. Also maintenance is going …