New Guide Dog Journals Day 6

Today started off rather oddly. Tansy went out to do her business and all was well. Then I brought her back in to play with her bone. Chomp chomp went her bone followed by crunch crunch. Crunch? That’s not normal. Turns out that I had somehow spilled kibble, and the brat was eating it. Food …

New Guide Dog Journals Day 5

Today’s going well. Tansy is being more goofy. Adam distracted us, but Tansy didn’t care. Yesterday she went right for him and I had done my first timeout But today not so much. Had a really good route this morning. The only thing I did at the end was step in her poop. Ok. That’s …

New guide dog journals Day 4

I’m up obscenely early. Hope it doesn’t come back to bite me. I think I forgot to mention that the new handle I got was extra short but also urgo. I haven’t noticed a massive difference but I do feel little things. Another thing about Tansy. When she’s done relieving, she will not let you …

New Guide Dog Journals Day 3

Oops. I slept in this morning. Was up emailing and fighting with the WordPress app. Let’s not do that again. I usually don’t sleep in until the second week of training. Tansy is still giving me trouble with heeling but the instructors are helping me. Got a shorter handle. Let’s hope that feels better. She’s …

New Guide Dog Journals Day 2

Well I survived to tell the tale, or maybe it should be tail, har har har. A few things I didn’t mention yesterday because I literally couldn’t write anymore. The hotel seemed overwhelmingly difficult but I think it’s getting easier. There are clues on every floor. Unfortunately the elevator neither beeps nor speaks the floors, …

New Dog, Here We Come!

Well…tomorrow I get on a plane. Yup, that long awaited March 24 is tomorrow. I’m getting a ride to the airport (thank you Steve’s mom) so that means 3 a.m. I’ll be leaving. Yee ha! Guess who’s not sleeping tonight? We’re definitely seeing signs that this pooch is going to come. I have hooks in …

Missing Guide Dog Anka Has Been Found And Returned

On Monday, Carin wrote up a quick post about Anka, a guide dog that had gone missing in Texas. Today, we’re happy to be able to share the news that she’s been found and returned safe and sound. A couple saw the dog walking across the street at Shiloh Road and Royal Lane in North …