Life, The Universe, CSUN, Trixie, Guide Dog Class, And Everything

Here I am again…much sooner than last time but still taking a long time between posts. CSUN was amazing. Damn I wish I could go every year. And I really didn’t get to see much of the exhibit hall since I was in so many sessions. It was weird basically having to make your own …

A Trix Update From Her New Home

Well, as Brad promised, here is a post on how the Trixeroo is doing. Sounds like things are going well…that peeing on everything she can outside thing is a new one. Funny how they change. So here it is. I hear that a lot of you are wondering what is happening with Trixie since the …

A Cute Little Guide Dog Song/Video

I warn anyone who has an ear for music, they might want to run screaming from the video I’m about to put up. But I couldn’t resist. Some guide dog instructors got cute and made a video called I’m Your Guide Dog, So Trust Me Baby. You know, Call Me Maybe? Trust Me Baby? Har? …

Shit People Say About Retiring A Guide Dog

Now that I’ve got it out there that Trix is retiring, I decided to write one of those “shit people say” posts. John Q. Public is a wealth of…sometimes amusement, sometimes frustration, sometimes bewildering stupidity. And I have seen a lot of this now that Trix is retiring and I’m out with the cane. As …