Long Weekend Audio: What Made Me Choose A Guide Dog

Here comes another one. This one will be quick. Ceci asked me what made me decide to get a guide dog…so I started talking. I hope something in here makes some sense. Sometimes I feel like my thoughts are a bit disorganized and confusing. But I think my main points are walk with some guide …

Long Weekend Audio: Caboom!Cast

The urge struck us to do some more audio, so here we are. We had a lot of fun doing this one. It started with me not saying go at the right moment. Woops. Welcome to me not being a good record button-pusher. Then we just rambled about the awesome weather, the Blue Jays winning …

Long Weekend Audio: The First Of Many Casts

Well…our first audio is up. We had hoped to have it up last night, but we kind of fell over after we finished recording it. The file got uploaded to the server, but hell if I was going to write the post around it. So I’m writing it this morning. Poor Steve had to start …

An Interview With Carin And I All About Adjusting To Guide Dog Life

We should have been all over this like fat kids on candies last week, but since late to the party should almost be our next header slogan nowadays, let’s just go ahead and do this now, shall we? Shane, one of the lovely and talented folks responsible for the new home our website has now, …

Spring Ahead…Into My Thought Pool

Now that I’ve got my email fixed, it’s ramblin’ time! I’m so happy that winter was not too bad to us, but I’m even happier that spring just might be on its way. It’ll take me a long time to truly believe it’s here since winter never really got going, but whatever this weather is, …

I’m Baaack…I Think

So yeah…I haven’t posted for nearly two weeks. Definite fail…although failing at blogging seems to be a regular occurrence for me now. I think, *knocks on wood* that I’m out of the medical woods. I feel better, and bunches of my problems appear to be vanishing. It’s funny. I’ve had this since I was a …

It’s Brain Splatter Time

Well, I might be able to babble a while. That last post was kind of lame. The other day, Honey by Bobby Goldsboro came on the radio. My memories of that song were that it was a kinda sappy song that made me all sad. But listening to it now, again I notice myself turning …