The Guide Dog Obstacle Course

Holy crap where is time going? It’s carnival time again. And I was an extra big loser and didn’t post the link to the October carnival when it came out. I’ll blame having a brand spankin’ new job for that little slip-up. Ah well, I’ll do better this time. The subject of this carnival is …

No! Person, down! Good Person!

The other day I came to a realization that I just had to right down. Ok, everybody who has a dog knows this. If they’ve been working to train a dog, and the dog’s getting the message that a certain behaviour, like counter surfing or picking stuff up off the floor or chewing on stuff …

Thought Explosions About #SpikeMobileCCC and other things.

Here comes another monster o thoughts. While I’m doing the laundry, I might as well write a blog post. This whole being out of town part time thing has taught me that I suck at time-management. I was always able to get by since I had lots of flexibility to get stuff done. I didn’t …

Sploosh Splosh Swimmin’ In A Thought Pool

It’s random thought splatter time. Put on your rubber boots, this thought puddle’s a doozer. Like every year, I have to get my silly Christmas shopping talk in there. When December started, I was flipping out, I’d hardly bought anything, and it was…what was Steve’s word? De-fucking-cember? I can’t find it, but ya know. Anyway, …

It’s The Occupy VC Cast

Well, it is here. The Occupy VC Cast, the Occucast, whatever you want to call it, it’s here…and it’s about to occupy about 2 hours of your time. It would be awesome if you found it 99% funny. We divided it into 4 parts. It would have been only 3, but well, ya see, I’m …

Weekend Audio: Lunchless Lunches, Shattered Bowls And Talking Beer Koozies

At longish last, audio is back! This piece should have gone up last week, but due to the small matter of it not being recorded until right now, that didn’t happen. On this here 18.5 minute adventure into something or other, we touch on such topics as the good and bad of the #LunchUpGuelph event …

Figuring Each Other Out Is An Achievement

I should probably write this before I do anything else, since it kind of needs to be done by tonight if I want it to make it into the fifth assistance dog blog carnival. Yup, it’s time again. Geesh, I feel like I just wrote for July’s. Come to think of it, I kinda need …

Updates, Random Thoughts, And Assorted Stuff

I guess I should probably update folks, since last Saturday I was all full of “help me! Help me!” I have myself a steady ride! Yeah baby! It’s hard to explain how stressful it is wondering if you’ll have rides to work, or wondering which days you should say you’re available based on who says …