The Dog’s Not Out To Get You.

I have to write this down, because it keeps coming back to me. I took Trix out for her post supper business, and we were coming back in. In front of us were a mother and a little guy. He was really small. He stopped, probably to stare at Trixie. The mom said “Hurry hurry …

Dog Attack Survey By The Seeing Eye

Now that we can sleep at night knowing that Spalding is not freezing his little tush off, here’s a survey we as guide dog handlers can complete about dog attacks. ***Please forward to other guide dog handlers in the United States andCanada*** Dear Fellow Guide Dog Handlers, One of the biggest dangers we face as …

Longer Story On Spalding

Final update, and it’s a happy one. Spalding is back with his handler. edit: here’s the bulletin from the GDB blog. He’s apparently a golden/lab cross and it mentions the street where he was last seen. Please, please help. It’s cold out there. Here’s a longer story about Spalding, the missing guide pooch. Oh god, …

Help Get This Guide Dog Back Home

Update: Consider Spalding to have been helped home. Um, eek. Just got this. It said to pass to anyone in the area…figured it was safe to put up on the blog. *******************MISSING GUIDE DOG!!! Please pray for Spaulding’s safe return: Guide Dog SPALDING, a male golden retriever, was lost in St. Paul Minnesota Sunday at …

It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas Posts

I’m sitting here and I can hardly believe it’s exactly two weeks before Christmas. How in hell did I get here and how did it happen so fast? I agree with Steve that it doesn’t seem possible that it’s already Christmas again. In fact, when I try and think of things I’ve gotten people, I …