07 Jan, Fri, 18:56:32Google:guide dog for the blind dead puppies Oh, you looking for news about the Parvo outbreak at GDB? It breaks my heart that 5 itcy bitcy puppies died already. I hope they can save the others that are sick. Damn Parvo!
Category Archives: guide dogs
The Dog’s Not Out To Get You.
I have to write this down, because it keeps coming back to me. I took Trix out for her post supper business, and we were coming back in. In front of us were a mother and a little guy. He was really small. He stopped, probably to stare at Trixie. The mom said “Hurry hurry …
Decision Time
I really don’t know where time is going. It seems like I just wrote a post for the Assistance Dog Blog Carnival. Now it’s time to write another one. Well, It’s due on the 17th, but ya know. Close enough. This topic is decisions. I looked at that blog topic and thought what in the …
Weeping For Willow
Well, I’m still up. I took a wee unintentional nap. Now I’m just loading books on my Stream so I’ll have things to listen to during my travels home. But I wanted to make a quick note of something I found out today. I was sending notes out to friends wishing them a merry Christmas. …
Dog Attack Survey By The Seeing Eye
Now that we can sleep at night knowing that Spalding is not freezing his little tush off, here’s a survey we as guide dog handlers can complete about dog attacks. ***Please forward to other guide dog handlers in the United States andCanada*** Dear Fellow Guide Dog Handlers, One of the biggest dangers we face as …
Spalding Is Home Safe And Sound
Well, that was quick. Spalding is home! Not much of a story here, but enough to know that it’s true. I’m so happy that the pupster is ok. Yea good endings to stories. Everybody, hug your guide dogs and pets.
Longer Story On Spalding
Final update, and it’s a happy one. Spalding is back with his handler. edit: here’s the bulletin from the GDB blog. He’s apparently a golden/lab cross and it mentions the street where he was last seen. Please, please help. It’s cold out there. Here’s a longer story about Spalding, the missing guide pooch. Oh god, …
Help Get This Guide Dog Back Home
Update: Consider Spalding to have been helped home. Um, eek. Just got this. It said to pass to anyone in the area…figured it was safe to put up on the blog. *******************MISSING GUIDE DOG!!! Please pray for Spaulding’s safe return: Guide Dog SPALDING, a male golden retriever, was lost in St. Paul Minnesota Sunday at …
It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas Posts
I’m sitting here and I can hardly believe it’s exactly two weeks before Christmas. How in hell did I get here and how did it happen so fast? I agree with Steve that it doesn’t seem possible that it’s already Christmas again. In fact, when I try and think of things I’ve gotten people, I …
Continue reading “It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas Posts”
Guide Dog Harness Survey
Ro talked about this yesterday, and I should have posted it then, but I didn’t see it until late. There is a student at the University of Illinois (at least I think that’s what U of I is) who is trying to figure out a new way to make a guide dog harness so that …