>A Rather Unmemorable Remembrance Day Ceremony

>Yesterday the huppy’s mom called me up and asked me if I wanted to go to the Remembrance Day service. I hadn’t been to one in years, I don’t know why, so I said sure. Part of me wanted to see how the huppy would handle a 21-gun salute, although that same part of me …

Misconceptions About Guide Dogs

Also got this from Amanda. Carlos Palomino is compiling a list of sorts of misconceptions he’s had to deal with to do with having a guide dog. Here’s the beginnings of it. I can’t believe that tons of people think they have to pick up the crap with their bare hands! Seriously? I always knew …

I Did The Halloween Dog Walk!

Back a while ago, I mentioned the Halloween charity dog walk for Guelph Animal Hospital. Well, despite not making it home until nearly 3 a.m. the night before, I dragged my sorry butt out to the walk, and I’m glad I did. I was originally going to go with the shoe thief, but Shoe was …

What Showed Me The Way To Getting A Guide Dog

Ro mentioned an assistance dog blog carnival, and asked folks if they wanted to participate. Once I figured out what the heck a blog carnival was, I figured I’d throw a post onto the pile. Maybe we’d get some new people reading us. The topic is firsts. So any first to do with assistance dogs. …

What Happened To Palm Has Happened Before

Well, just when you thought the story of Palm couldn’t get any sicker, it does. This type of thing has happened before, only in that case, folks were able to pry open the doors in time. Apparently that time, Translink did nothing about it. I hope to hell this time, they will sit up and …

Thanksgiving, and Other Rambles

I just felt like rambling, and since the blog may get a little quiet over the next couple of days because Steve and I are both running off to Thanksgiving stuff, what better time for a ramble fest. First, happy Thanksgiving to all the Canadian readers. Hope you have lots of yummy food and pleasant …

Dragged Guide Dog Update

Here’s an update to the guide dog getting dragged by the train story. It looks like The dog’s name is Palm, and she’s recovering. Look at that list of injuries. Ow ow ow ow oo oo oo oo eee eeee eeee! And look at that vet bill. But it does say the hospital is taking …

The Guide Dogs Tag Meets The Trains Tag

I saw the headline guide dog dragged by speeding train” and screamed. I can’t, I just can’t imagine. Somehow, the leash got caught by the sliding door and then the dog ended up out on the platform where it was dragged, got caught on something else, and fell to the guideway below. It appears to …