It’s official, Trix is a giant puss. She’s stubborn as a mule, but a puss! We set off to go to the drug store that’s not far from here. We had to pick up a few things. When we left it was raining. But we didn’t have to go far, so I figured we could …
Category Archives: guide dogs
>Talk About Your Back-Handed Compliment!
>I’ve been told in the past that I’m so young and pretty, what a waste that I’m blind, but I heard a close second tonight. I went out to this weird sing-along thingy that was happening at a restaurant in Guelph. I thought, as I was going, how is this going to work? We’re at …
More Training Tales At Training Tails
Here’s another blog to read, if you just can’t get enough of reading about other people’s guide dog training experiences. Jenny has decided she wants to recap both her training experiences she had with her previous guides, and talk about the process she’s going through to prepare for guide dog no. 3. There isn’t much …
A Little Guide Dog Ettiquet Article
Michelle sent me this little “don’t pet the guide dog you moron!” article. Good on the paper for publishing it. It’s sad that the general public needs such reminders, but they’re always welcome. This little article made me think of two things that happened to me recently. I was sitting on the bus and this …
Torie’s Gettin’ Her Guide Dog!
This is just a little post to wish Torie well on her quest to get a guide dog. Have you ever wondered what the process is like to get a guide dog in the UK, specifically Ireland? There are definitely some differences. For example, you already know what dog you’re matched with before you go, …
It’s more Trixter Goodness!
I had a few thoughts about Trix, so thought I’d write them down so when I do write about her, it’s not a giant monster of doom. I talked about being worried about the number of times Trix has needed her anal glands expressed. Well, a few days after that, the foot-chewing increased again. It …
I Have A Brother-In-Law!
It’s Monday, and I’m still feeling kinda dopy and tired. I guess that’s to be expected after the crazy Saturday Steve and I had. Don’t worry, it was a good crazy! My sister got married! Yup, eek. I now have a brother-in-law. He’s a cool guy. They’ve been together a while, he’s been a friend …
The Teddy Bear Picnic Was A Blast
Back last Friday, I mentioned the Teddy Bear Picnic. Well, yesterday, it happened, and it was a lot of fun. We had lots of fun. We had bears wearing little glasses, bears with little white canes, lots of stuff. We had a model of a communication board for kids who have trouble speaking, we had …
Rare And Awesome Guide Dog Moments
Yesterday was quite the day of rare happenings. First, I was able to explain to not one, but two different people the concept of why you shouldn’t pet a working dog, and they got it! They really got it! Second, a little tiny kid looked at me and quietly asked, “Can I…please…pet…your dog?” With a …
Another Chuck Visit Down
So, I mentioned that I would be having my Chuck follow-up during that giant Trixie post on Saturday. Yesterday, we had it. It was a quick one, and probably not my best follow-up, but Chuck seemed reasonably comfortable with it. It was so damn hot that I was glad we probably wouldn’t be walking far. …