Yet Another Guide Dog Attack

Every time I read about another guide dog attack, I shiver, and am thankful I have not had to deal with an attack that ended Trix’s career or caused injuries that required veterinary care. What is with people walking dogs that they can’t control, or walking too many of them. If you can’t handle two …

Trixie Gets A Novel

I don’t think Trix has gotten a post all to herself in a while. I think she’s due. I always knew that she responded to different people in different ways, but I’ve noticed something else. Among the people she loves, even they get different kinds of affection. There’s me. I get the dancing around me, …

August Long Weekend Audio

Boy oh boy do I have a monstrosity for you! Remember how we said our Canada Day audio would never be heard by the world? Well, that still holds, so we decided to try again. And we created something even longer and crazier than that one! We didn’t mean to, honest. We just sat down …

>Clearing Out The Clutter From My Head

>I had a few random thoughts floating through my head, so I thought I would write them down. Really, must I start all of these posts out the same way? Seriously? I’m really digging this last bit of weather we’ve been having. No crazy heat waves, some rain but not a whole heap, just nice …

Service Animal Has Been Defined

A while back I mentioned that the US Department of Justice was updating its definition of service animal. Well, after lots of deliberation and consideration, they have settled on a definition. I saw this a couple of days ago, but Jill sent it to me again, and nudged me into blogging about it. Sorry that …

Observations From The Train

We took a train yesterday to meet some of Steve’s family at a spot half-way between us and them. We got to the station really early, partly because we took the bus there and buses only run every half-hour, and partly because the train got delayed. Here were some of the things we saw or …

Thoughts Cooked Up In My Cooked Brain

I decided to write one of my random meandering rambles. I hadn’t done one of those in a while. Gees! It’s been a 4-day cooker up here! I keep joking that the Arizona weather has come to visit me, except we have humidity on top of it. What did the weather guy say today? Tomorrow, …

Great Group, Great Announcement, Not So Great Editing

God, our poor little Great White North alumni chapter of GDB can’t win for losin’. It was founded last June and we’ve been trying to figure out a way to get the word out there that we exist. We eventually drafted up a little greeting message to send to the alumni news that is sent …

It’s A Mini Canada Cast!

Well, it’s the first of the month, and you know what that means in Trixie land, right? It’s revolution time! And it’s time for us to try once again to capture Trixie’s utter hatred for the stuff. When we first thought about doing this, we thought we’d just catch the end result. But because we …