Thank you, guide dogs blog. I just got introduced to the coolest YouTube channel ever. If Ricki makes it as a guide dog, I hope her handler is into YouTube, because they will get to watch their guide dog growing up. How awesome would that be? I would kill for a YouTube channel of the …
Category Archives: guide dogs
If You Believe, I Saw "If You Believe!"
Remember when we talked about Anton’s next play? Well, the shoe thief and I went to take it in. Steve couldn’t go with us, and it’s too bad he couldn’t make it. He would have had fun. As always, there is more to our story than just going to see the play. There is a …
What Comes Out Of The Mouths Of Some Of Joe Public’s Slower Members
I just heard 2 amazingly dumb things people have said to us because of our guide dogs recently, and that made me think of an old story I heard years ago, so I thought I’d post them all in a tripple dose of oh my god did that person just say that? The other day, …
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Straight From The Guide Dog’s Mouth
It’s been way too long since I’ve grabbed the keyboard. It was c-c-c-c-cold when I last took it. So hmmm. What’s new in my life? What can I talk about? This time, when the weather knob started coming back up to nice, everything smelled extra good. It was so hard to go down the road …
To All Those Who Think My Dog Is A Slave
I can’t remember if I’ve written about this before, so I guess I’ll write about it now. If we have two posts on it, then I guess we do. Today I walked into a store, and this guy walked towards us. Trixie tried to sniff him and I said no. He then said he had …
Aaa! The Gay Dog Will Hump My Leg!
What the hell? That’s all I could manage when Ann sent me this doozer. Ian Jolly and his guide dog decided to go out to a Thai restaurant in Australia, but he was denied entry, not only because they didn’t realize his dog was a guide dog, but they had a special objection because they …
Trixie, I Said Find Steve, Not Squish Him!
The other day, Trixie made a rather large wooops that simultaneously makes me chuckle and makes the worry wart part of me worry. Trix and I had just come back from relieving, and Steve was sitting out on the balcony. As a joke, I said find Steve after taking Trix’s harness off. She ran over …
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Give A Dog A Bone, But Don’t Give A Guide Dog A Ball
I saw this search yesterday, but was too sleepy to tackle it. 24 Apr, Sat, 07:35:11Google:why can you not let guide dogs play with a ball My answer may not be the right one, but it’s my understanding. I know a couple raisers read from time to time, so feel free to chime in, and …
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Loose Standards On Loose Dogs
After that brief interlude of drunken stupidity, here’s another serious post. Jen sent me this, and it said we were free to circulate it, so here’s my attempt to circulate. I remember Helen McFadyen. I found her blog when I was talking about that horrible letter-writing campaign from CNIB that had Jim Sanders’s name falsely …
Happy Belated Birthday Trix
Ok, here comes the post in honour of Trix’s birthday. On April 9, she turned 5. My pooch is 5! Nobody believes me that she’s that old, but she is. I can scarcely believe that it’s been three years that I’ve had her. But the blog doesn’t lie, hahah! So let’s do a general update. …